Universe. The Beginning and End of.

The importance of train-of-thought and maintaining your distinct edge when writing.

Danny Obillo
6 min readMar 12, 2020
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

Universe. It’s a lot to take in. Not to bother, I’m here to encourage you and your note-taking adventure today.

I know right, what is this?

Well, let us assume that you’ve already begun a writing routine already. Your train of thought is firing wildly in every direction as you attempt to catch that one, tiny speck that relates to something in your life or work or project you seem stuck on now. The blank page/blinking cursor remains waiting.

Advice. Let it out, mate. What seems like rubbish now, could easily not be. But just put all that stuff down somewhere and allow your mind wander a bit, it’s like exercise. Limbering up the old hypersupercortex (sic), be one with whatever level of madness you feel like expressing and let go.

It is a simple concept, one we all have had to wrestle with. Remember, not everything you will write is destined to become a quotable.

Here is an example of one thing that grew and grew. I was stirring the morning coffee one day, lost. It presented me with a dilemma of sorts.

> The stirring produced more data. Statistics and cold numbers that formed the mathematical identity of the digital you were automatically updated, aligning all current graphs and comparative tables as the terms of certain functions were met to compile a fuller picture. Those initial figures brought up necessary data-sets and accrued all potential possibilities to distinct linearities. The collected data waited for precisely the correct formula to deduce a single result….

You see? There was no intended correlation here to anything in my life, much less to yours, perhaps except the coffee. A basic Lavazza.

Encouraging these stray strands of thought to grow is as vital as polishing them up after. We have tapped many tables with the rubber nibs of pencils through the years, searching for what is the best way to present our minds on page, so stop procrastinating. Disclaimer: I’m not sure how much tapping you should do on an expensive tablet.

Simply, our minds are messy, very complicated and very exciting. So go with that. You could give yourself time to settle with a bit of om or whatever your vice is, but the end game is letting your words breathe. If not to find the elusive set of phrases you are looking for, then to release the block.

It is important to let yourself roam free. Not everything should be tailored just for the sake of professionalism and the lovely advice for these things to make money. We do not need to file down our fingerprints and lose who we are just yet. Anyway, continuing with that wayward narrative…

From this result, the dimensions expand as previous entries are stored in energy-efficient states. The directions of these results stay on distinct paths although extend with no fixed length. At irregular intervals, the first and third branch split as slowly the initial result is linked with possibilities from every conceivable vantage point. They extend until infinity if not split at differing intersections. They are paused as saved data is qualified and extracted to clasp onto independently founded formulae…

The point is that for every clean and shiny example of how good you are, there should be pages of gibberish behind it. Context, but visible for only you to refer back to.

It could catch alight and help you on your way, possibly beef up a section you considered deleting/crossing out/scrunching up and chucking. Inverted, it could be a direction you do not wish to pursue. Not for what you are writing now anyway, no definitely not.

We realise that as soon as these things come out in some tangible form, the ideas are not lost to the fleeting mists of forgotten time, like so many of those previous sparks you regretted not noting down. In fact, once you have expressed these thoughts down in front of you, they become part of your consciousness in some way.

These seemingly random scribbles will take form once more when they become applicable to you again, lest not forget, that these things came from you initially.

The energy is lowered as threads become thinner, they lock onto branches as natural development occurs. The branches head towards infinity as individual threads slow down. Any required energy is met by previously saved calculus that curves any inaccuracy back to the original source, bending the mathematical fabric of the interpretation. The branched result continues to gather energy and in-turn mass, as it’s strands fray from every conceivable endpoint, continuously reinterpreting the original data-sets and manipulating their coefficients, finding patterns.

Photo by Jean-Louis Paulin on Unsplash

So now, we should have a better idea of us. Bits and pieces of who we truly are (as the truth does present itself in these sustained bouts of what is reflection) are there in front of us. I told you already. It’s the universe, baby.

We can scrutinise the patterns, the rhythms, the lack of extensive vocab all we like. But this is us essentially. It is a building exercise as much as it is an innate talent one. We are encouraging growth here. Admitting to one’s inadequacies is perhaps the most grown up thing we can hope to achieve.

And it is important. Before the research and learning and tips and lists, our own preferences and likes and style and personality should always be at the forefront. Just like life really.

We cannot deny to ourselves who we actually are.

Energy itself becomes a constant as the branches form asymmetrical webs. Strands stray close to other data possibilities and merge to form a structure. The energy subset breaks off momentarily as it forms a relationship with the initial result. As the equation attempts to reconcile, the surrounding webbed structure joins at both ends and the inaccuracies are reconciled. Strands split and merge as the distances between fractals become miniscule. The result solidifies and fills all necessary gaps in a fragment of the time it took to form.

So cross out as much of your handwriting as possible, and make it difficult for you to read back on. But don’t blank it out completely. Track the changes on your favourite app and try not add to the wasted type-strokes collected by your favourite conspiracy-proven data hoarder, the one where failed passwords lie dormant, the one where intercepted pop ups have denied us the right to write before.

By keeping these stray and loose ends, we have a better vantage to scrutinise ourselves. These are the true fragments of us, raw and unsettled. Nobody needs to look back on these except you.

Remember, even this article was finally edited.

Internally, the energy calculus is reconciled by its own negative constant. It splits and spins around the result forming and reforming, producing enough negative variations of itself to successfully create the correct energies for the result to blossom. The resulting sphere is managed by further equations as concurrently a plentitude of data-sets and results create similar spheres. The mass multiplies exponentially and as frequently as the data is renewed.

And so is born a new universe.

Photo by Kaley Dykstra on Unsplash

But this too is wildly predictable, going against what is vital, shunning the actual title of this advice. So.

The man across flicked the oily crumbs of a flaky croissant from his jeans. The train doors opened and before I could escape his glare he said, “if you think you have it all sussed, then you clearly don’t know what this is all about, this Universe.”

I have previously written a short guide on how to begin writing on Medium. Universe.

