Devanshu Yadav
2 min readAug 19, 2020


Want to start with web development?

Stay with me till the end, I’ll make sure you get to the right path.

  1. Every webpage is rendered using HTML, i.e. hyper text markup language. You’ll need to master it to start web dev. It basically provides you the skeleton of any webpage.
  2. After the basic structure of a webpage is made, I know it looks boring, you need to style it, Correct! Let’s learn CSS for this, CSS stands for cascading style sheets, it gives you all the designing capabilities to make your site… look beautiful❤
  3. Now before jumping on learning the God of web development, let’s build a few projects to get your hands dirty. Trust me, it’s interesting🥰. I’ll include a link here to help you practice.
  4. After honing your HTML and CSS skills, it’s time for you to explore the God, JavaScript. You need to learn various JavaScript topics like: variables, numbers, inbuilt functions, strings, conditional statements, operators, objects, arrays, loops, functions, scope and environment, hoisting.
  5. Considering basics done, explore more topics like: DOM manipulation, selection of elements, updating styles, event handling ( form events, keyboard events, mouse elements). All topics are equally important for adding dynamic behavior to your website.
  6. Time for a project again🤩, once you feel comfortable with these topics, go ahead and play with it, make some cool projects, like calculator app, or a basic watch.
  7. (Optional) There’s only one way to master JavaScript, build projects. Go for JavaScript 30 challenge💪. Don’t be scared, it’ll be fun and the best part, you’ll get to know a lot which the tutorials won’t be able to cover. Link:
  8. Once done, it’s time to go for regex. One of the most beautiful topics in the field. Regex stands for regular expression. I think you might want to read about this one too, here’s the link,
  9. So far, so good. Welcoming you all now to the world of OOP, aka, Object Oriented Programming. Every entity is treated as an object here. Here’s a good tutorial I found on YouTube:
  10. Great! Now you know how to build websites, that too, interactive ones, but what if you need to store some data and make calls to the backend or database? You learn http requests and response. Learn how to GET the data from backend and how to POST the data to the same.
  11. Basically, the backend calls are made to json objects, JSON stands for JavaScript object notation. It’ll be an easy topic to go to.
  12. Last but not the least, learn a library, the article being beginner friendly, I’d advice you to give a shot to Jquery. I know it’s too old, but it serves the purpose. Making Ajax calls, is another story.

Cool! Now you’ve learned the basics of web development, you can literally apply for a junit frontend job. Why not go for it?


The opportunities are limitless, you can go further to learn frameworks like and angular, vue, React😍.

Find my work here:

Cheers! 🤓



Devanshu Yadav

My life revolves around computer, cricket, cars and music. Web development❤.