Debugging C/C++ code in Visual Studio Code (VSC)

1 min readSep 9, 2018


I’ve been occupied with competitive programing a lot lately. For writing code I use Visual Studio Code because I am used to it from javascript and python world.

To test code I write given input from competition task to in.txt file and then run custom task build.

Steps needed for running/debugging:

1. install C/C++ extension.

2. Define task to build code.

Go to Tasks > Configure tasks and choose your task to edit or create new one.

note: Make sure you have -g switch. This will allow you to debug code later.

Now you should be able to build and run your code using:

 ctrl + shift + b

3. Install debugging dependencies

You need gdb and xTerm or gnome terminal. I am using deepin linux so I had to run

sudo apt-get install gdb xterm

4. Setup debugging

Go to Debug > open configurations

Note the args < in.txt which will allow you to redirect input file while debugging.

Thats it!

You should be able to debug code now, by setting up breakpoints and hitting F5 or go to debug > start debugging

