Send money via Zuper app!

Dina Djordjevic
4 min readOct 26, 2017

We designed Zuper app in accordance with our personal needs — we want to enjoy fast, transparent, simple and smart banking. Today, when everything is digitalized, we believe that no one should wait in long queues in order to complete some basic banking task. And one of those is: sending money.

Zuper gives you the opportunity to connect all your bank accounts, and to send money from any of them just in a few simple steps. So, if you ever wanted to send money to someone in Germany right from your mobile device in just a few minutes — congratulations! Zuper is the perfect app for you!

Just follow these simple steps and enjoy the zuper experience!

1. Transaction details

In order to send money via Zuper app you will need two things: the Internet access and of course — the money on the bank account from which you want to send the money. :)

When you click on the Send money button (placed between the Dashboard and Budgets buttons), you will need to enter the transaction details. The first screen you are going to see will look like this:

Transaction details

You will be asked to fill in:

  • The amount of money you want to send
  • You will have to choose the bank account from which you are going to send the money, and that to confirm your choice with the account password. Those screens will look like this:
  • You need to chose the recipient - if you already have the recipient in your contacts, you can just search for him and click on his name and add it from the list. But, if the recipient is not listed, you need to add him - click on the Add button in the upper right corner and add his name and the IBAN. This is how those screens look:
  • After you chose the recipient, you will be asked to name the transaction/enter the note: July rent, a loan, money for the electricity bill etc (check out the example on the Transaction details image).
  • And the last thing - you will have to confirm the details you entered by clicking the Send money button.

2. TAN confirmation

If you filled in all the information from the first step correctly, you will be asked to choose the TAN security method to complete the transaction. The next screen you will see will look like this:

Choose a TAN method

After you chose the TAN method, you will have to fill in the security code you received via SMS. This step is necessary because Zuper as a service provider needs to be sure that you are the one who is initiating the process. After you fill in the right code, you should click the CONFIRM button and then you will proceed to the final step.

3. Transaction confirmation

If you finished all the steps correctly — congratulations! You successfully sent the money via Zuper app.

For all of our Zuper users — Did you try out this feature? How did you like it? Let us hear your experience! We ❤ feedback!

You still didn’t install Zuper? What are you waiting for? The Zuper app is currently available for iPhone and Android in Germany. If you are eager to find out more about us and our product, check out our website!



Dina Djordjevic

Social Media Manager and Marketing Analyst @ZuperBank. In love with social media since 2008.