Doing a really Good Job!

Donnie D'Amato
17 min readApr 27, 2020


The following is a description of how to complete every room of the game Good Job! for the Nintendo Switch without damaging anything.

This description excludes Floors 0 and 9 since there are no tasks in Reception and the Penthouse doesn’t require you to pick anything up nor does it give you a final score once completed. In-game time for all of these rooms together is just over 5 hours (301:18).

General technique

For most rooms, you’ll want to move breakable things away from the path. This includes cardboard boxes, safety cones, trophies, and anything else that you can pick up and move in some way. If the door doesn’t open when you walk toward it, there’s definitely a way to power the door using a plug without needing to bust through a wall. Remember you can use a chair to move the employees around the room and when using equipment, use it gently.

Floor 1, Finance

101 Legal, Replace the Projector

This is mostly straight-forward. Unplug the projector and use the cord to power the door for that room. Be careful of the desk right outside of the door when moving the projector. Unplug the wire in the way and use it to open the next large set of doors. Use the plug next to the vending machine outside the meeting room to open the final door.

102 Accounting, Fix the Internet

This one can be a bit frustrating for your first time and I honestly found the solution by accident. There’s a fire extinguisher just outside the entrance, use it to blow the sign away from outside the bathroom. This will unblock the direct path to the target room. From there, take care in moving boxes so they don’t fall and break while moving around rooms. Use a rolling cart to keep the motion sensor door open.

103 Taxes, Improve Meeting Attendance

The first employee will need to be rolled up the stairs, take the plug next to the large door and plug it in outside the hallway; it’s behind a printer. You’ll probably need to move the plant to keep the motion sensor door open while you do this. The hidden employee behind the sink shouldn’t be a problem. The employee in the storage room just needs to be picked up with a chair. The rest of the employees just need some plug management to open the doors. Take the plug from the storage room and open the door in the hallway. Then take the plug from the hallway and open the next room. Undo as you collect the employees.

Auditorium, Company Presentation

Use the bench to collect the employees hanging out in front of the entrance to the upstairs. You’ll also do this for the ones by the stage. Upstairs, it’s plug management again. You can open the closed set of doors by going into the room that’s blocked by the bulletin boards and grabbing the plug to power the doors. Then it’s just a matter of maneuvering the projector downstairs without breaking anything.

Floor 2, Logistics

201 Container Storage, Misplaced Cargo

This is the first instance of using the crane. You need to work this slow or you’ll knock things over. First thing is to pull out the dolly from underneath the glass platform on the left side which has a purple container. Then start removing the blue containers from the middle of the room. One of them has a purple container inside. I was able to slide that container out by placing the blue container on the stairs to slide it out. You might need to do this a few times for this one container to slide out completely. Use the invisible wall to your advantage by moving the containers against it as you move pieces across the room. Avoid the middle as much as you can.

202 Waste Management, Defective Package

This is the first instance of driving the forklift. One of the first things you should do is clear a path in front of the crates at the top. As you can see in the photo, I put all of that stuff behind the crates. I also move the large container to make a bridge to cross later. Then it’s just a matter of carefully driving the forklift across the room and up the elevator to the conveyor belt. Moving things out of your way as you need.

203 Distribution, End the Lunch Break

This is probably one of the first levels that things can break unexpectedly. The trick here is to make sure all of the packages never wind up on a conveyor belt. You can do this by keeping them outside of the green target area on the floor. This also took me a while because I captured each employee with a chair to escort them downstairs via the elevator instead of just expecting the conveyor to drop them. You’ll need the crane to drop some of the employees into the area and take care while getting the employees sitting on the bench at the back of the room. It definitely helps to move the trophy off of the catwalk.

Loading Dock, Lost Packages

This level has a couple of tricks to it. First, there’s an elevator button behind a package at the end of the left conveyor belt. That will help you access the package found at the edge of the crane rig. You can walk on the crane rig if you position it properly.

You’ll want to take the printer on top of the boxes with the crane and get it on the elevator next to the crane controls. Before going upstairs, plug it in. That will carry the plug upstairs to power the doors on. Next, you’ll need to bring a forklift all the way upstairs. Before you do, clear the area near the conveyor belt, even the safety cones. Knocking into them will cause damage and when sending things downstairs, you don’t want to damage anything.

There are three packages in the back area. Use the forklift to pull the one at the right corner off the shelf. Clean the stuff off of the long pallet on the left and then move it into the center to act as a bridge to get the center package. Finally, shift the other packages out of the way to get the final large package. The larger package can be sent in the conveyor belt below but I hand-carried the smaller packages downstairs.

Floor 3, Recreation

301 Flower Garden, Tend to the Garden

In this room, if you step on flowers that have bloomed, you’ll damage them. Start by removing all of the lamps; they’ll knock over with the firehose. I put them in the lobby elevator to keep them away or by the fish tank at the top right after blooming the flowers in that area by pouring buckets. There’s also a light at the top of the stage by the fountain, be careful not to drag it into the water. Then connect the firehose to the fountain and rotate the fountain to bloom the flowers in the area. Disconnect the hose and move it to the larger area.

After you’ve cleared the larger top area of lights, use the firehose to spray the bushes from the center of the area. Stay away from the edges as the water could spray down to the lower level and hit something you weren’t expecting. Consider using the bucket if you want to be careful. Also, use the bucket on the singular planters around the lower level, try not to water anything on the ground yet so you don’t step on anything accidentally.

There are two statues at the left side, pull them into the pools to expose the nozzles underneath. Take the hose that is from the bottom of the room and connect to the nozzle by the center garden. That should water everything on the floor. Spin the statue to water the flowers by the small pool next to that nozzle.

302 Cinema, Start the Movie

There are four employees you’ll need to move; each one has a gimmick. The first one is like the ones you’ve done before. Just drag the chair into the cinema. The one with the mop will follow the spills of water into the room. The one looking for heat will follow the small fireplaces as long as they are close. Put them out as you get closer to the cinema. The final person needs to watch TV, so plug in the TVs on the way to that area and then start unplugging them.

303 Swimming Pool, Clean the Pool

This one is oddly difficult as things will break that you might not expect. For example, when trying to reach an item on the stack of inner tubes by the bridge, sometimes I’d damage something. I recommend bringing the cart by the jukebox (after cleaning the items from the top section) and grabbing the items from the lazy river one-by-one. There’s a large beach ball on the left, carefully roll it into the large pool without knocking into the fish tanks that are close. I recommend doing this later as sometimes things get stuck around the bend if there are too many things in the pool. Move items out of the way as needed. I also don’t recommend using the life-preserver as a lasso; I’ve never been able to control it properly.

Zen Garden, Restore Balance

The title of this room is pretty ironic as this is the hardest level to do without damage. As you can see in the photo, I had to bring a forklift in here to place the final boulder. Just about everything in here can take some sort of damage; the railings, the walls, and even the boulders themselves! I use the tables from the top right room to stop the boulders from rolling down the stairs until I’m ready to take them down. The boulder on top of the tree is grabbed by watering the bushes and making a path to it. When rolling this off, your character might get stuck in the wobbling state while the boulder rolls away (the reason for the tables). You’ll need to carefully push the center column into the bridge to drop that boulder from it and do something similar for the third boulder on the smaller column. You’ll rock the column from behind slowly to push the ball from it. The fourth boulder requires you to ring the gong in that room and roll it up to the others. All of these boulders are possible to move towards the target area without damage. I’ve done this several times.

The things that make this room difficult are actually getting the boulders into the target areas (they will just roll right out of the holes) and the final large boulder that will crush everything just in the area that it starts in; let alone the rest of the room. It looks like it might be possible to actually roll that large boulder without crushing anything but I simply can’t control it well enough.

Instead, I went to the sixth floor, grabbed the forklift from the warehouse, and brought it down to this room (you can only do this in New Game +; after you beat the game). Then I carefully drive it over to the large boulder. There’s definitely some glitchy stuff when driving near the yoga room at the bottom that needs to happen (it’s surrounded by a moat) but after several days of trying, I finally got it out of there without damage. I’m super curious to know if there’s a way to do this without external resources.

Floor 4, Research

401 Goo Production, Clean Up

This is one of the first rooms I focused on for trying a no damage attempt and it took the longest in this list. The method I used was to clean sections of the room and then move things into the clean sections. I’d clean with the machine without walking so I didn’t accidentally fly into a container. I even moved individual books from the desks, because knocking one on the floor will cost you.

As big as the container is in the back of the room, it is forgiving when moving it around. Be careful not to knock into the goo stored in small containers on the shelves as that will break easily.

402 Cryogenics, Raise the Temperature

This one is pretty easy to do without damage, just be careful as you walk around the room with the tubes. There are a few long glass cylinders around that you might want to consider placing somewhere else.

403 Goo Testing, Experimental Goo

One of the first things I recommend is to move the glass bulb of goo found in the smaller glass room out into the next room. As you go around the corner with the cube, it’ll collect goo making it bigger and potentially push you into the rack which may break the containers. Once getting the cube into the main area, just pull it down into the larger glass room where the pool of goo will be. Connect the tubes (one of the tubes is just outside of the glass room here) and grow the cube. Assuming you’ve cleared a path to the target weighing station (including the large white cubes in the way), you should be able to pull it over there without a problem.

Biome, Bring the Biome to Life

This is also pretty simple to do without damage. The trickiest part might be the connections for the third fountain. Just be careful when moving the cans around to connect the hoses and you should be fine.

Floor 5, Marketing

501 Customer Support, Fix the Wi-Fi

This room is pretty easy, just move some things out of the way or move people closer when appropriate. You might need to move some packages or items here or there but overall this room is a good place to start trying no damage.

502 Mail Room, Deliver the Mail

A couple of things to note here. The room with the green employee needs to be cleared before using the plug to open the door, I also recommend clearing the hallway just outside to help. The purple package method is weird. In order to move the table in the large conference room, I had to remove the frame from the wall behind it. This dislodged the table and made it a bit easier to move around. Here you just get the plug to give power to the door and make your delivery. The rest of the packages are straight-forward.

503 Design Department, Rearrange the Office

This room will just use a lot of moving skills. Move things in safe locations that won’t receive accidental damage. The purple room has a sliding window that gives you access to the door to get inside. Slide it back to power the larger door. Get inside the middle room and power the door to move things out. Also remember that things just need to touch the colored area, not be completely inside of it.

Security, Broken Surveillance

This room is very tricky to do without damage. As you can see in the photo, I opted to clear out the entire left side of the surveillance room and put most of those items in the starting room. That made a safe path for the items to be dragged to the bottom. The long piece in the left-most room is probably the hardest to maneuver; push the first two rolling shelves to the wall and then walk against the third (don’t roll it, the trophy might fall) to move it toward the wall just a bit. Then carefully move the piece and align it between the railing and the last rolling shelf (the plug will fit into the railing). Pull the piece until it stops and then walk against the final wall until you can pull the piece out completely. Then you should be able to get it through the rest of the larger doors.

The piece at the top right is also a bit challenging, just be careful when moving the large rolling blocks. The packages on top can shift quickly and fall. The rubber dongle on top of this piece might also hit things so take it easy.

Floor 6, Manufacturing

601 Cold Storage, Organize the Freezer

This room just takes a lot of patience. Take each piece one at a time into the designated areas and avoid the towers of boxes. The medium size brown package at the top of the stairs in the back should be able to slide down with a pull and without an issue. Drive the forklift very slowly.

602 Fulfillment Center, Large Order

The hardest part of this room is the office with the glass floor. There’s a lot of breakable things in that room so take each package carefully to one of your helpers to send out. You can pass the plugs to power the doors to some of your partners in specific areas. They will also help you push containers.

603 Depot, Prepare the Shipment

Like the room on the second floor but this time you’ll need to open some doors. Move the large shelves to make a bridge to the rooms where you can carry the plug to power the doors. Use the crane as little as possible. Move packages out of the way as necessary.

Warehouse, Cargo Inspection

I figure most people can’t be bothered with the broken elevator at the left side of the room and will just break the glass instead. The method here is to put the rolling containers onto that elevator and give the inspector a place to walk. There’s a few just to the right of that room. The packages blocking the second inspector need to be removed carefully as well. I took them one at a time and walked them to the opposite side of the warehouse. As always, drive the forklift carefully.

Floor 7, Robotics

701 Assembly Line, Finished Product

This can be done without damage easily for the most part. I think the trickiest area might be the spot just past the first conveyor belt bridge. There’s a cart with a ton of breakable items on there. I recommend moving that stuff away and continuing on.

702 Laser Lab, Battery Charging

Also pretty easy to do without breaking things. Just be careful not to heat any canisters with the laser otherwise you’ll get an explosion.

703 Machine Learning, Data Collecting

This room is definitely tricky. You’ll need to use the rolling stairs to get glass bulbs of goo from the tops of boxes and desks to ensure the robot doesn’t knock them over. Clean the bottom area of the middle lab to help the robot move easily. Have the robots travel under low pipes to avoid items found on existing paths.

Reactor Core, Green Energy

The biggest problem here is the glass cylinders. There are a lot (mostly found in the left room) and I took each one and placed it on the catwalk in the core room to get them out of the way. The robot on the left can then make it around the stack of boxes and to its dock. The robot on the right just needs the large track cleared up a bit before powering the arms and then painting a line to a dock. The middle robot should be pretty straight-forward from there.

Floor 8, Executive

801 Executive Suites, Executive Delivery

Take your time with this one. Move the small trophy from the bookshelves with some purple packages above before shifting the bookshelf slowly to make them fall. You’ll need to clean up the area a bit to get to some of the other packages. Make a path to the executive office to help get the yellow packages on the desk without breaking things. Move the coffee cups away from the cart in the large conference room before using the rolling stairs to get the long green package. Pull that package into the classroom next door and then around the top of the package room; moving things out of the way as appropriate. I recommend not using the cart as it’s difficult to control.

802 The Archives, Rearrange the Statues

The only room where you’ll use the vacuum. Don’t try to get the vacuum by the door, there’s too much stuff there. Instead, use the one that’s already in the room. Move some of the smaller items in the main gallery to the bottom so the vacuum doesn’t grab them. Suck the papers that are left off of the floor. Then take the vacuum in the far left room and pull the large statue away from the door in the next room over until the path is clear (don’t move it more, it’ll help guide the ball out). Go into that room, move the globe, and then open the vault. Move each bundle of bills away from the ball until the ball rolls down from the pile. Push the ball down from the vault straight to the floor and roll it carefully into place.

Move all of the standing area lights to the left wall and get the vacuum head next to the spiral piece. Begin gently tapping the vacuum to pull the piece into place across the room to its target area. Then go into the classroom and push all of the seats against the wall. Bring the vacuum in from the back of that room and gently tap the vacuum to pull the block statue across. If a seat begins to get close, stop and push it away again. Clear a path out of the room behind and be careful not to suck anything other than paper into the vacuum. Too many things in the vacuum can also make it explode.

803 Art Gallery, Prepare the Exhibition

Be careful not to walk too close to the paintings as you can damage them by proximity. When the UI says “Take” is close enough for a picture to be grabbed. The first few hangings are simple around the bottom. When hanging the paintings at the upper right, you may want to make some adjustments as people may walk over and break a painting after you put one up. Take the paintings that are stacked in the corner around (not under) the hanging studio lights to affix to the wall. Clean the middle area up to hang the pictures found underneath and clear everything from the top to walk the largest painting up and over to its placement area. Pushing the items against the wall is effective here.

Last words

This game is super fun and I enjoy that there are several ways of challenging yourself. You can speedrun it by finishing it as quickly as possible, try to find all of the collectible items, or try to complete with the highest score or least damage.

And I hope someone does find a way to handle Zen Garden without a forklift.

