Benefits of Deportation

2 min readDec 4, 2019


First off, we have to ask the question whether deportation is beneficial at all. Some see it to be immoral as well as not cost effective. The approximate amount it costs to deport someone is $10,854, this is nearly three times the amount it costs to rent a studio apartment in San Francisco for a month which is $3600. It would be more ethical to give immigrants a fresh start with some government aid until they earn a green card which would take about 7 months to 2.7 years. The government spends around $324 billion on immigration enforcement agencies, a mere 1% of that could pay for Medicaid for 1.4 million people, which would help the approximate 1 million immigrants that enter the U.S. every year. There is so much that could be done to help immigrants and integrate them into our society, but instead they are stereotyped and life is made harder for them because of our prejudice. It’s a given that there will be some downsides such as a higher demand for resources, but let’s look at the brighter side which includes consumerism and boosted worker productivity. It’s like playing one of those mobile games where you start from nothing and work your way to build an empire, it wouldn’t be wise to turn away resources or in our case, able bodied and available workers, just because they didn’t come from our town/country. Deportation may seem like a benefit to our country in the short term run, but it would be beneficial in the long term run to help them become citizens that help feed into our economy.

