Q&A: Carmella Marie CEO Carmella Williams

Darre’el Caldwell
3 min readJun 16, 2016

CEO of Carmella Marie and Kitchen Chemist, Carmella Williams is breaking into the hair care products industry with an inspiring message, “You are more than enough.” She knows and understands first hand the process of hair and what it takes to maintain it. She stands behind her product and is an avid user herself. With 0ver $25k in sales over the last 2 and half years, Carmella’s next goal is to continue the process by expanding the companies customer base and distribution to 30 retail stores reaching $45K by the end of 2016. Carmella is full of life and has a tenacious and phenomenal work-ethic. In all the work she does there's a consistent theme and that is that she is inspiring others to be uniquely themselves.

When did you get started creating hair products? When did you know you had something profitable?

Carmella Williams: I started creating hair care products in the summer of 2013. I knew I was on to something when 16 women showed up to an event I hosted even though I was only expecting 8!

You’re a really positive person — how does the mindset you have help you prepare while developing a notable brand?

Carmella Williams: Mindset is the main part of life. If you don’t have the right mindset you will end up quitting, when in fact you were on the road to winning.

What is the thing that makes your products so unique?

Carmella Williams: Our products were designed to help increase the elasticity of hair, which is something you don’t hear about. Women are suffering from dry and brittle hair but it is often times the lack of nutrients in the body or on the hair. Carmella Marie combats that problem head on.

During your journey, what has impacted you the most?

Carmella Williams: Seeing how many women don’t love their natural hair. So that encourages me to push longer and harder so that I can reach more women and tell them how beautiful their hair is, and sometimes that is all we need.

What would you share with others wanting to start a small business or create a product?

Carmella Williams: Always start out small and build from there; it is better to have small problems in the start out phase, it will help you learn what works and what doesn’t work at a low costs rather than at big costs.

What’s your biggest goal or dream?

Carmella Williams: To have a solid impact on the economic development in my local community first and then nationwide. To work with Oprah on a huge project… I would love to Have my own farm just like my grandma and grandpa Lincoln had when I was child later on in life, when I retire or at least slow down.

What’s a quote that inspires or motivates you?

Carmella Williams: I must work while it is day because there comes a time when no man can work… I feel like God gave me the energy, mindset, vision and all the resources I need and I am going to do what I can while I can…

For all the people who will read this, what message do you want to leave with them?

Carmella Williams: Who you are is more than enough and all that you need to get started already exists in your life somewhere. The key is to be aware and watchful so that you don’t miss the opportunities.

For more information on Carmella Marie log on to their website and to stay connected and updated on further developments with the brand you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



Darre’el Caldwell

Family is Essential. In the Pursuit of Excellence! Learn- Do- Teach- Repeat. Entrepreneur and Author of #ConqueringYourLimits