The Devil’s Weed

Expanding Your Mind the Hard Way

D.D. Delaney
17 min readMar 29, 2020


Inside those standoffish jimson weed pods are tiny seeds that, when ingested, will break down the division in your brain between past and present and perhaps future, too. Simultaneous time is one of this severe plant’s teachings. The leaves and roots of the plant are psychoactive as well. Not recommended for recreational use.

(Author’s Note: I wrote this a couple years ago but never published it. Now, though, with interest in psychedelic substances on the rise, this account of a day spent with a substance definitely psychedelic but totally unpleasant might be instructive and even entertaining for those curious about such things.)



D.D. Delaney

D.D. Delaney is an actor, poet, and essayist currently living in Norfolk, VA, USA, with his partner Jala Magik.