4 Types of Unsafe and Outdated Electrical Panels

5 min readOct 14, 2022


Electrical panel service and repair | Hollywood Hills Best Electricians

The electrical panel is the nerve center of your home’s power distribution system. Maintaining good condition and updating as necessary can ensure your home’s security and efficiency. With the help of Hollywood Hills Best Electricians, you can easily learn if your electrical panel is unsafe or outdated and have one of our electricians replace it with more modern technology.

Chances are if your property was built before the 1990s, it is probably long due for a replacement. Before considering a new electrical panel installation, it is still important to know and ensure if the current one in your home really is outdated.

Here are the four types of electrical panels that have been deemed unsafe and need to be immediately replaced:

1. Fuse Box

Rather than circuit breakers, an electrical panel with fuses is called a fuse box. This is most common in older homes. Fuse boxes do not necessarily pose a threat; only the technicians or homeowners introduce hazards through unauthorized alterations. A common problem associated with fuse boxes is overloading a circuit or improper replacement of a blown fuse.

2. Federal Pacific Electric Panels

What was once widely trusted and used in American homes from the 1950s to the 1980s has been linked to thousands of fires across the country in recent years. Federal Pacific Electric Panels do not trip when they are supposed to. Instead of short-circuiting to stop electricity flow, they keep on and cause fires. Even when turned off, there is still a possibility of electrocution.

3. Zinsco or GTE-Sylvania Panel

Any panels manufactured by Zinsco are sold under the Sylvania or GTE-Sylvania brands, even though they are essentially the same and pose the same risks. In such panels, the circuit breakers would melt down to the bus bar, rendering the breakers inoperable. Consequently, the wires could catch fire due to a short or a power surge.

4. Split-Bus Electrical Panels

Split-bus panels have two sets of breakers with no main disconnects. While split-bus electrical panels aren’t inherently dangerous, they haven’t been used in new construction in over 40 years because they were rendered obsolete by newer, safer designs. If you still have one, it has likely outlived its usefulness and may now be causing issues.

The 5 Most Common Electrical Problems in American Homes

Electrical panel service and repair | Hollywood Hills Best Electricians

An electrical panel is a hidden yet essential feature of any home. Typically, homeowners do not give it much thought, like immediately considering an electrical panel repair, unless something refuses to work. We normally won’t need to check the electrical panel because plugging in electronics, turning on lights, and swapping light bulbs are all part of our routine tasks.

Troubleshooting is a hassle, and electrical issues are especially awful. They are equally dangerous as they are tiresome. Most inconsequential problems do not offer any real danger, so you may decide to tackle them on your own. However, dealing with electricity can be deadly if you do not know what you are doing.

See if you are experiencing the same electricity-related dilemmas as many homes across the country do. Below, we have listed the most common electrical problems you should be aware of:

1. Flickering Lights

The switch might have a problem because of shoddy work or low-quality materials. Another possible cause is a malfunctioning electrical outlet, circuit, or wiring. If you have frayed wire, you may have encountered a short as the cables moved with the wind outside. The chance of fire unexpectedly breaking out makes it unacceptable. Quickly get in touch with an electrician to change it out.

2. Power Surges

Many things, including faulty appliances, defective wiring, and even lightning strikes, can cause this. Surges are widespread and usually only last for a millisecond, but they can cause significant damage to electronics and reduce their lifespan if they occur frequently. Disconnect any low-quality powerboards or gadgets from the wall socket and inspect the home grid or wiring for problems.

3. High Energy Costs

Faulty wiring and circuits, electrical system leakage, or using older, more power-hungry electrical appliances lead to high electricity bills. Switching to energy-efficient appliances and turning off electronics when not in use can help lower monthly electricity expenses.

4. Overloading Circuits or Outlets

The light fixture you are using with your high-wattage bulbs or other fixtures may be made for use with a lower voltage system. Excessive heat poses a fire hazard due to the increased likelihood of the fixture’s socket and wire insulation melting. Simply replacing the bulb in the fixture may resolve the problem. The safest bet is to pick a 60-watt bulb or less if you are unsure what suits the fixture best.

5. Sags and Dips in Power

Power sags and dips result from devices plugging into an unstable or low-quality power infrastructure. When connected to subpar or unreliable power grids, it causes appliances to use more energy than they produce. This results in weaknesses and fluctuations. Have your power checked and upgrade to a new appliance for better illumination and reduced energy use.

Most electrical hazards are manageable if only high-quality products approved by relevant authorities are used. It is common to put off fixing electrical issues in the home due to concerns about the associated costs. However, this is a bad idea because, like with any system, electrical components eventually wear out and can result in fatal incidents like electrocution or electrical fires if left unchecked.

Get in touch with a professional electrician if you discover or suspect your home’s outdated electrical panel. They’ll be able to look it over and let you know which modern models are the most reliable and economical.

Prioritize finding a suitable replacement as soon as possible. Your risk of an incident increases the more you wait before taking action. Before anything else, put safety first!

Do not wait until a home catastrophe happens before you realize the importance of your electrical panel. Feel free to get in touch with Hollywood Hills Best Electricians now to get the help you urgently need, or read more about electrical issues at home in our blog posts!

