Top 10 deadliest animals to humans in the world.

Dr. Deborah Taiwo (D.V.M)
5 min readOct 5, 2022


There are animals in different levels in the food chain all over the world. These animals have different body parts that are adapted for survival in their environment. Some of these adaptations are sharp fangs, claws, venom, hooves, and webbed feet.

You may be thinking that the deadliest animals are big animals we see around, due to their appearances and sizes, but you’ll be shocked that even the tiniest of the animals in the world are deadlier than some huge animals.

The thought of being attacked by an animal is totally gruesome but you can't be so sure of the species that can kill you. Let's see which animals top the list of deadliest animals.


These small insects are the deadliest in the world. The estimated human deaths caused by mosquitoes recorded worldwide is about 750,000-1,000,000 yearly. They are considered the most dangerous animals in the world, not because of their size but because of the disease they transmit. The major disease it transmits is malaria which causes about 558,000 deaths yearly. Mosquitoes also transmit other deadly viruses such as Dengue fever, Zika, West Nile, yellow fever, rift valley and encephalitis.


It’s shocking, humans may be the smartest of the animal species on earth but they are considered to be second on the list of deadliest animals in the world. This is due to our ability to use tools and weapons that can be used to kill each other. This can be seen from the records of homicide actions, car accidents, military actions, medical practices. About 500,000 people are killed annually by humans themselves.


Snakes are considered deadly because of their venom. They release their venoms through bites and they also attack in various ways. According to the WHO, about 600 out of the 3,000 species of snakes known are venomous. Snakes are known to have killed about 100,000 people yearly. People who live in areas where dangerous snakes are present don’t have access to anti venoms or have limited medical care provision which often leads to death.

Some snakes such as pythons and anacondas can simply just squeeze and crush to death by causing suffocation and cardiac arrest while cobra just spits its venom on you and can kill you!


Man’s best friends, dogs, are even on the list of deadliest animals in the world. Most dogs are cute, friendly and loyal but can also be deadly. Dogs that are deadly are the ones infected with the rabies virus. It is reported by the WHO that 99% of rabies infections in humans are caused by transmission from dogs through their bites. They cause about 30,000 human deaths yearly.

Assassin Bugs

These tiny insects are also on the list. Also known as 'kissing bugs’. They kill about 10,000 people yearly. Assassin Bugs actually kill by biting your skin, sucking your blood and transmitting a severe disease called Chagas disease. This disease causes inflammation and infections of tissues in humans. In mild cases it causes swelling and fever but if left untreated can cause congestive heart failure.


With their curled tails used for stinging and Pincers to hold their prey, scorpions are definitely classified as deadly. There are about 30 species of scorpions that can kill humans. They are found in the deserts and rainforest areas. Their venom kills about 3,000 humans yearly. Most scorpion related deaths occur in areas where anti venoms and medical care facilities are lacking.


This reptile lives in wetlands, freshwater rivers and lakes. 7 out of the 27 species of Crocodiles known are dangerous to humans and they kill about 1,000 people yearly. Crocodiles that live in the Nile and salt waters mostly prey on humans but gigantic crocodiles often successfully kill humans and this is due to their fast reaction time as they snap their necks and hold them under water to drown.


Elephants are gentle Giants that enjoy nature in their various habitats. They will respect you if you respect them in their place. They are often aggressive and burst out in rage whenever they feel threatened, especially by poachers. They kill about 500humans per year.


Hippopotamus are very deadly with their aggressive nature and sharp teeth, they can crush a human to death! One might be fooled by their sleepy nature. They are hard to see because they can hold their breath underwater for a long while. Meanwhile, they won’t hesitate to attack any human that comes close to them. They are responsible for about 500 deaths of humans yearly.


The king of the jungle comes last on the list. Hunting is an instinctive way of thinking for Lions. They perceive humans as prey all the time. They have great speed, sharp fangs and a pack that can be used to hunt their prey. They are responsible for about 250 deaths of humans yearly. So it is observed that as humans live closer to lion habitats, there’s a likelihood of increased attacks.


Not all animals that have big sizes, fangs or claws are deemed to be dangerous. Some insects are considered more deadly than some large animals. Characteristics of animals that make them dangerous include size, speed, venom, disease, and use of tools as in the case of humans.



Dr. Deborah Taiwo (D.V.M)

Doctor of Veterinary medicine (D.V.M) || Animal Health & Management || Pet lover || Dog lover || Cat lover || One Health enthusiast ||