Setting Raid 0 on your Kimsufi Dedicated Server

3 min readApr 17, 2022


Last updated: November 11th 2022

This guide will walk you through configuration for Raid 0 on a Kimsufi KS-17, KS-10 and KS-6 Dedicated Server for use as a Fluxnode.

Our server has two SSD drives. We will configure them in Raid 0 to significantly boost our disk write speeds. This ensures our SSDs will pass the benchmark requirements for the Nimbus and Cumulus Fluxnode tiers.

1. You need to select an Operating System to install. We will be installing Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS.

2. Tick the Custom installation button and click next

3. Edit your first partition, untick the Use the remaining space box and and set the size to 90GB (92160MB), then click Save

4. Now we will add our Raid0 partition. Click the Add a partition button

5. Set the following parameters:

Order: 3
Partition type: primary
File system: ext4
Mount point: /name (change “name” to anything you like)
Tick Use the remaining space
Click Save

6. Your drive is now configured correctly. Click Next. On the next screen leave the settings as they are and click Next.

7. You will receive a warning saying all data on the hard disk will be deleted. Click Confirm

8. Your operating system will now install using Raid0 configuration. This step will take some time to complete.

You will receive an automated e-mail once your installation is complete. Pay close attention to this e-mail, it contains the IP address you need to connect to your server. It also contains a link to get access to your password.

9. If you want to check your drive speed before proceeding with Fluxnode installation run the command below. You need 180MB/s or higher to pass the benchmark.

dd if=/dev/zero of=sb-io-test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync; rm -rf sb-io-test

10. Congratulations, your Kimsufi server is now configured with Raid0. You should now continue with the official flux node installation guide

Note that Kimsufi do not provide a root login, instead your username is “ubuntu”. To switch to the root user type

sudo su -

If you need help

The Flux Community are happy to help if things are not working as expected. Join the Flux Discord server and ask for help in the #community-support channel.

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