Going freelance, day 0

Daniel Dunderfelt
2 min readMar 21, 2018


Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

Find “Day 1 and 2” over here…

After 5 years at Mirum Agency in Helsinki, where I started as a trainee and learned most of what I know, it’s time to move onward.

I'm going freelance!

The first rule of quitting your job, for whatever reason, is to ensure that you have an income in the future. As a freelancer, that will be a constant project that I need to keep working on and snagging a client was the first thing I did before even sending my quitting notice. When I decided to go freelance, I resolved to not just “quit and see”, but to actually have a paid project to work on the very next day.

What I thought would be one of the harder parts of freelancing turned out to be quite easy. There’s a lot of work for developers out there and not enough people to do it. I actually had to turn down a very interesting project as my first few months filled up, which I’m bummed out about. Top tip: If you want to hire a freelancer, lock in the gig asap and have a contract for them to sign because you HAVE competition.

The next task is figuring out bookkeeping and taxes. These two will feature in this blog in the future, and as I live in Finland, I’ll be talking about the Finnish system. Hopefully some aspiring Finnish freelancers find it valuable!

I have signed up for Holvi, which is a superb service that provides banking and bookkeeping for “makers and doers”, a classification I definitely fit in. I highly recommend them if you’re based in Finland or Germany. I will also hire an accountant as I’m terrible at those things.

This is Day 0 of my freelancing career, and I still have my last day at Mirum ahead of me. I’ll try to document my journey in blog posts, so stay tuned for future updates!

And if you want to hire me, shoot me an email at daniel@developsuperpowers.com.



Daniel Dunderfelt

Freelancer in Helsinki. I do React, React Native, Wordpress Laravel, Node… Sky’s the limit!