Global opposition grows against proposed Lamu coal plant

International organisations rally in support of community rights

Kenya coal
2 min readMay 29, 2017


Pressure mounts to stop the Lamu coal plant as major international organisations join community organisations in opposing the proposed Lamu coal plant, as Kenyan court hearings proceed.

(Click here for a post with a fuller compilation of all media coverage.)

Descriptive opinion piece with a photos of Lamu island community:

Diane Francis in Huffington Post:

“The deal is economically foolish for Kenyans because the cost of renewables falls — and will undercut fossil fuels in a handful of years — in sunny and windy or geothermally-endowed nations.”

WOMIN bring together women in Lamu and Kitui:

Via 350Africa:

“When people rise, power changes hands. Instead of the governments imposing projects on us as local communities, they will resort to consultations before investing on mega projects. Also, power in the hands of the locals will enhance community ownership in any project which has an adverse impact on their lives.” Said Hindu Salim, Save Lamu

Sierra Club:

“A coal plant does not make sense for Kenya given the tremendous renewable potential there, and especially should not be supported by public finance from the African Development Bank… The future of the Lamu coal plant remains to be seen, but the devastating impact it would have on local tourism and fishing industries — and the communities who depend on them — hang in the balance.”

Accountability Counsel:

“Lamu’s social and environmental future is at stake, and local communities need a voice in what kind of future that turns out to be.”



Kenya coal

the anti-coal, pro-renewable, pro-community, pro-sustainable development campaign coalition in Kenya. #deCOALonize @deCOALonize background info: