The proposed plant threatens Lamu’s water

DeCOALonize Resource Source

Kenya coal
4 min readJul 9, 2017

The plant will affect Lamu from three water-related activities:

  • Increased local water temperatures
  • Acid rain
  • Toxins from coal ash entering the water

Increased local water temperatures

Burning coal requires millions of gallons of water to keep the plant cool. After the water is used, the now-hot water will be released back into the ocean around Lamu. The increased temperature will harm the fish in the water and destroy the livelihood of the fisherman and the fishing industry.

Acid rain

The particulate matter in the smoke from the coal plant creates acid rain. Acid rain is formed with emissions from coal plants mix with water in the atmosphere. There is also dry deposition — where the toxic chemicals released from coal plants move through the air and fall onto water, buildings, plants, and crops.

Coal ash

Burning coal creates Coal Ash, which needs to be safely stored for perpetuity. The Lamu Coal Plant proposed an ash yard that will hold 26,740,000 cubic metres of ash and stand 25.8 metres high. The yard will be 200 metres from the intertidal zone, according to the EISA.

For additional information:

Background documents at

More factsheets:

What is the story with the Lamu Plant?
Why will electricity prices increase if the plant is built?
Does Kenya need the plant to support economic growth?
Is burning coal that bad?
Impact on World Heritage site



Kenya coal

the anti-coal, pro-renewable, pro-community, pro-sustainable development campaign coalition in Kenya. #deCOALonize @deCOALonize background info: