OSINT Phone Numbers With Findigo Tool

De Technocrats
4 min readJun 6, 2023

In the year 2022, we built an OSINT tool for phone numbers. What was the purpose of building this tool? As an online community focused on software development and ethical hacking, we built this tool for educational purposes and not only that but for our project ethical hacking. You can visit our tool github repository in here.

The tool we developed is a very simple and lightweight tool. It is only capable of detecting the ISP, location, and time zone associated with a phone number. The tool was written in the python programming language. We choose python because it is easy to use and has a wide range of libraries available, which made it convenient for us to accomplish the tasks we needed to perform. Before we continue, do you know what OSINT techniques are?


OSINT stands for open source intelligence. It refers to the practice of collecting information and intelligence from publicly available sources, such as the internet, social media, public databases, public journals, and other sources that can be accessed by anyone. OSINT is used by various entities, including governments, law enforcement agencies, private companies, and researchers, to gather relevant and useful information for analysis, investigation, security, or decision making purposes.

OSINT methods include online searches, social media analysis, digital footprint tracking, collecting data from open sources, and analyzing the information found. OSINT also involves the use of specialized tools and techniques to gather, validate, and analyze information from open sources.

How To Install It

Let’s assume you have the termux application on your android device and you have installed python and git. Because we will be installing it on the termux application and of course this will work in a linux environment.

First, you need to open your termux application on android and type this command in your terminal to install the findigo tool, like this:

git clone https://github.com/De-Technocrats/findigo.git

Make sure again your termux has installed python and git. If not, you can type the command below:

pkg install python3
pkg install git

You will see the result like this when you have installed the findigo tool:

If you have entered the findigo directory, type the following command to install the required libraries used by the findigo tool:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will see like this :

Let’s perform OSINT on someone’s phone number. But wait, we have another phone number that we will use as our target in this article. To find out the ISP of someone’s phone number, we use the following command in the findigo tool:

python3 main.py -i <phonenumber>

Output, if you type that command :

The ISP for that number is called MTN. We will perform OSINT to determine the location. Please note that the location displayed will only be a country and will not provide highly detailed results. Enter the following command:

python3 main.py -l <phonenumber>

Output :

Finally, we will determine the time zone used for that phone number. Enter the following command:

python3 main.py -t <phonenumber>

Output :


This tool maybe useful if you want to find out the phone number of someone else that is being used in which country. And last, If you want to create an OSINT program for phone numbers, you can visit one of the blog articles titled building OSINT phone numbers with python. Keep learning and develop something interesting from yourself!



De Technocrats

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