eSkillz Games
2 min readMay 30, 2022

eSkillz Games : 6 Months and Counting

eSkillz Games is six months old and it seemed appropriate to provide a recap of what we’ve done and where we’re headed.

We set-up eSkillz Games to create a Play To Earn (P2E) Golf game. We’d made golf games for many years and are huge Crypto fans so it made perfect sense. Almost immediately we decided to make a Pool game because it was quicker and cheaper. We then decided (perhaps foolishly) to make P2E versions of all the major sports and house them in a Metaverse. Things can snowball pretty quickly if you’re not careful! That plan hasn’t changed again and won’t.

After six months we have a Pool game in Beta and a Golf game in Alpha. We’re also in discussions to sign an American Football game. We have smart contracts, NFTs, website, whitepaper and more. We’ve been lucky enough to work with some talented people and have been constantly surprised by the knowledge and generosity of the wider Crypto community, thank you one and all. Above all else we’ve learnt a lot, mainly about the value of patience.

Moving forwards we plan on using what we’ve learnt to the best effect possible. Our short term roadmap is as follows: -

Public Beta for eSkillz Pool

Marketing campaign to raise awareness and grow the community

First NFT mint

Token sale

Golf Beta

Expansion into new sports

We have grand plans for eSkillz and hope you’ll join us for the ride, if you’d like to stay in touch follow us on Twitter: @eSkillzNFT and join the Discord:

eSkillz Games

eSkillz Games is a Web3 gaming studio founded in October 2021. We build realistic sports games with an economy focused on PvP skill-based wagering.