How to organise Apple Notes

4 min readMay 20, 2022

How to organise Apple Notes? I use the Apple productivity apps in my minimalist system for knowledge management and productivity.

Organising Apple Notes for bulletproof personal knowledge managment

There are many articles and videos out there covering all the basics, tips and advanced usage of the Apple productivity software — Mail, Calendar, Notes and Reminders. This guide does not describe the usage of those apps. The devices, platforms, features and integrations are fixed and that information can be found easily. The variable part is the implementation of a systematic way to use the apps, and this is what is covered in this Apple productivity series.

Apple Notes Questions

How do I organise notes in Apple Notes?

As you will find below, create a simple organisational system that stays out of the way, and focus on creating notes and finding notes, instead of organising notes.

How can I organise my Notes better?

Do you need to organise your notes better, or do you need to organise your notes less? I found the latter to be true. Once made a decision and stopped being concerned about organising, my things seem organised.

Can you use Apple Notes as a journal?

Yes. Create a folder named “Journal”, then create a new note. Type the date as a heading. Type an emoji for how you…




I'm DB. 30years in tech. IT to dev to tech-exec, where I built $250M of product, mostly in media.