Dean Heller Works with Trump Administration to Urge Tax Relief for Nevada Families, Small Business Owners

Heller for Senate
2 min readNov 7, 2017


“We can make the American dream come true again.”

“My father was an auto mechanic, and my mom was a school cook and they had six children. And they said to their six children, ‘if you work hard and play by the rules you will succeed and live the American dream.’”

— Dean Heller

Dean Heller (R-NV) joined U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Kellyanne Conway, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, Heritage Action’s Dan Holler, and Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips to highlight how Nevada’s hardworking families will benefit from tax cuts.

Heller continues to urge Senate leadership and his colleagues to keep working through the weekends to pass tax relief, and has repeatedly stated that the U.S. Senate should not go home until it gets the job done.

“The problem in society today is that many Americans don’t believe that anymore. That’s why we are here today, to change that. And we will do that through the help of my colleagues, and the Secretary, and Kellyanne, and outside groups and organizations. Thank you for your help and support. We can make the American dream come true again. And that is the goal.” - Dean Heller

Senator Dean Heller and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin working on tax reform together to provide relief for the middle class

Dean also recently joined Ivanka Trump at an event in the Capitol highlighting how an enhanced Child Tax Credit will bring tax relief to Nevada’s middle class families.

“Whether it’s the single mother from Gardnerville who doesn’t receive child support and works full-time…or Andrew in Las Vegas who worries about how he’ll be able to afford daycare for his daughters next year, I continue to hear that families in my state are struggling to cover their expenses,” Heller said at the event.



Heller for Senate

News. (Meet Dean Heller: Husband, Grandpa 'Duke', Sportsman. Representing Nevadans in the U.S. Senate.) Paid for by Heller for Senate.