An excerpt from my 7th title, Starship Seduction

Deanna Burnhouse
2 min readMar 8, 2024

Here’s an excerpt from my 7th release. Thanks for the read, and if you’re interested in more, you can pick up a copy on Amazon and make my little writer’s day.

The black snake curve path, the night highway, was suffused with a neon magenta dawn. Even the fir forest was aflame with a radiant punch-pink violet. Arthur Davenport studied the light source: A glowing sign on the horizon blinking the words Starship Seduction.

When the forest parted and the sign’s establishment emerged, it sat beside the lonely road like a mysterious dark box of neon fantasies. It was the kind of box that beckons to be opened, and the protagonist always regrets even touching it. The club was two stories of opaque smoke glass, banded with pink and purple fluorescent lights — dazzling ribbons that kept a shiny black secret. The building was the work of a dangerous designer who knew how to elicit human curiosity.

The Porsche glided up to the building’s entrance, and Arthur exited the passenger seat. He was eager to examine the strange, lonely scene. Christian promised an out-of-this-world strip club experience. I wish I knew that meant taking me to a freaky place on the edge of the world, reflected Arthur.

