Dean Pomerleau
2 min readNov 4, 2016



> Why would there be any empty automated cars driving around?

Because that is exactly what Tesla and Uber are promising — cars that drive themselves to pick up passengers either as part of the Uber fleet of self-driving cars being developed by colleagues of mine at Uber’s Pittsburgh research center [1], or the “Tesla Network” of cars owned by Tesla customers [2]. Elon Musk has even shown a car driving itself around Palo Alto [3], and claims you’ll soon be able to “summon” you car from far away, perhap even all the way across the country [4], such is the hyperbole…

I’m not sure where you’ve been Rick, but renting out your own Tesla to earn extra money is *exactly* what Musk is talking about [2].

I’m also not sure what you think an autonomous cars can do Rick, but identifying a vandal wearing a mask (or even funky glasses [5]), or chasing a rock-throwing kid through the woods to corral him for police *aren’t* among their capabilities. Self-driving cars won’t be able to do either of these things, at least until the robot uprising brought to you by humanoid robots from Google-owned Boston Dynamics [6] or by swarms of killer drones with Intel inside [7]. Until then, they’ll be hapless and helpless targets of human abuse, and hence not a viable part of anyone’s business model.








