The Patience Game: Why Entrepreneurs Need To Peak at the Right Time

Discover what it means to Peak at the Right Time and how you can too!

Dinith Kurukulasooriya
The Pub
4 min readNov 27, 2022


Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

It’s not often that you come across an entrepreneurial venture that hasn’t hit peak performance by the time it reaches your attention, and it’s even rarer to find one that has already passed its prime. Peak performance has many definitions, but I think of it as the point at which everything clicks into place, and all of the pieces necessary to achieve the ultimate goal fall into place with minimal effort. When you reach your peak, no stone is left unturned, and nothing needs to be fixed because all parts of your business are functioning in sync with one another.

#1. Defining the Patience Game

The patience game is an analogy often used by successful entrepreneurs and business owners who recognize that they need to be patient to see the benefits of their hard work. It’s a game where you have a limited amount of time, and you have a certain number of moves that you can make. The goal is to get as many points as possible before your time runs out.

In business terms, this means that it’s important for entrepreneurs to wait until they’ve amassed enough resources or established themselves enough in their industry before going all-in on a new project or company. Otherwise, they risk running out of time and money before they achieve their goals.

#2. When to Start Playing

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. The race starts on day one, but it’s all about timing. You want to peak at the right time and not too early or too late.

What’s your big idea? When you’re building something from scratch, it can take years before it takes off. You need to be patient and have faith that your idea will eventually catch on like wildfire. When you’re ready to start marketing, don’t wait until you think you’ve got everything figured out — you never do! Be ready for failure and accept that things will change as your business evolves. Avoid making decisions based on what could go wrong and focus instead on how things could turn out well.

#3. How This Game is Played

A good entrepreneur needs to be able to peak when it is necessary. Sometimes people get too excited and try to peak too soon. Other times, they might get a little careless because they think it will not happen for them. This can lead to an entrepreneur going flat, crashing, burning, or just being average. Entrepreneurs must be able to peak in their own time and make sure that there is consistency throughout the game so they do not go flat, crash or burn.

#4. How to Win

Be patient-Don’t be discouraged by slow growth in the beginning. This can be a good thing because it means you’re focused on the quality of the product, not quantity. Moreover, Identify your strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur. You may not be skilled in all areas, so leverage your strengths. And, get help when you need it. To keep going and remain productive, ask for help or delegate tasks where appropriate, and keep your eye on the prize. To become a successful entrepreneur you must know what success looks like for you and never lose sight of that goal! More importantly, the only way to succeed is by loving what you do and giving it your all every day!

A good entrepreneur knows that timing is everything, and nowhere is this truer than in the games of chess and poker. A turn or move in either game might be the difference between a checkmate and being checkmated, or making it to the end of the game with enough chips to walk away with the winnings. So it’s no surprise that the same concepts can apply to entrepreneurs, those business owners who have staked their financial futures on success in one risky venture or another.

Hope you have gained value from today’s article. If you did, don’t forget to give a clap and follow me on medium to receive more content like this. Be sure to check my other article You’re Killing Your Startup: How You Ruin Your Business Before it Even Starts to know more about the mistakes that many entrepreneurs make.

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Dinith Kurukulasooriya
The Pub

Transformed 1000+entrepreneurs & professionals to seek the success they deserve! CXO Coach I Business Specialist I Trainer I Success Coach I LinkedIn Expert