Is That My Inner Voice Speaking?

3 min readJan 12, 2016

Our intuition can be good and bad at the same time.

Your intuition is like your gut feeling or your inner voice.

You know, the voice that asks, should I really be doing this? Or, is this a good idea?

“Intuition will tell the mind where to look next.”- Jonas Salk

Sometimes it is good to listen to that voice, but other times, it can be a discourager.

It is a great thing to listen to yourself in just about all aspects. We come up with great ideas and have very creative minds that we should use to our advantage. Our creativity should be shared and represented in the work we display in our brands. There are also times when we have to make decisions on the spot. Use your intuition to help you decide which option or solution will be better.

Though, your inner voice can be your best friend it can also be your worst critic.

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At times, your inner critic can take control and prevent your from reaching your best ability. A common saying is, You are your worst critic.Our inner voice can cause us to be too harsh on ourselves. When we are hard on ourselves we can sometimes feel like we are not good enough or that anything we do is not up to par. We can be demanding in a way. It allows our inner critic to stand in the way of our dreams and put a halt to our aspirations.

We need to learn to quiet our inner critic by changing the script.

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Whenever our inner voice interrupts our thoughts and tries to frighten us, it is our job to put a stop to it. We have to first recognize the voice for what it is. This is something that we do normally and can’t help, but we can take control of it. Once it is realized that this is not the mindset we want, we find more positive views. This is when you develop a new script. Reconnect with yourself. Come up with inspirational quotes, positive words, encouraging songs, or maybe even motivational speeches. Doing this can help become more motived. So when we do come up with out-of-the-box ideas we will actually go through with them instead of be hesitate. All of these can help change around your thought process when being faced with the negativity.

Continue On

Despite the trials you may go through or even go through, continue on! We sometimes get in the way or let other people get in the way of our goals and it can cause us to become doubtful of ourselves. When really we should be our biggest fans. Never look for validation of others. There will always be opinions floating around you, no matter what you are doing. Ignore it. Be proud of your own work. Regardless of what others think…

Continue to stay motivated.

Continue to work.

Continue to share your work.

Continue to be you.




God fearing woman. Just don't get the wrong impression.