Dear Fellow Black Single Mom

3 min readAug 26, 2023


5 years ago feels both as if it was just yesterday and a long time ago.

Almost 5 years ago today, I gave birth to my now amazing 5-year-old son. But the months leading up to his birth were filled with (unnecessary) drama, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

By far embarking on this journey was the scariest thing I had ever done because I knew I would be raising my son as a single mom. Knowing this I sought words of encouragement, wisdom, and inspiration from fellow single moms online. Sadly along the way, I stumbled upon hateful, derogatory, offensive, and downright disrespectful thoughts and opinions of people — mostly men who hated single moms for simply existing.

Thankfully, I also found a handful of YouTube videos and blogs of single moms who vulnerably shared their stories and words of encouragement. Fast forward to 2023, and there are many more women sharing their stories of being single moms — both the pros and the cons, the challenges and the victories, the good and the bad.

In 2019, God gave me the vision but I was too afraid to put myself out there like that.

But in 2020, I finally decided to do the same. I wanted to create a safe space for us as black single moms to feel, seen, heard and not alone. I wanted to document my journey as a Black single mom pursuing her dreams, healing and telling my story in order to encourage other Black single moms to share their stories unashamedly and pursue their dreams as well. I also hoped to build a community where we can support each other as Black single moms. Thus, in September of 2020 the Dear Fellow Black Single Mom podcast was launched. I recorded my first episode, pressed published and went about my life, lol. You can check it out here.

While I was afraid to put myself and my story out there — it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. So many other single moms reached out to me with their own stories and thanked me for sharing my own. Knowing that there are other single moms who have gone through or are going through the same or similar things as me has been so uplifting and empowering for me as I continue on this journey of being a single mom.

I definitely didn’t know what to expect but I didn’t expect for people to listen to my story. But I’m grateful they did!

To date, I’ve recorded and posted 40 episodes of the Dear Fellow Black Single Mom podcast and have garnered 6,400+ listens. The podcast has listeners around the globe in over 30+ countries! I am so grateful for each and every single one of you because when God put this dream in my heart, I had no idea what would happen.

Although life has been living, (which I’ll share more about in the newest episode) and I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus, the podcast is still ongoing. New episodes will be launching in Summer, 2024 :).

But I’ve also decided to get back to blogging because writing has always been my first love. Sometimes it’s easier to just write stuff out instead of record a whole episode. So I’ll share life updates and lessons I’m learning along the journey of being a single mom including, single motherhood, black womanhood, navigating co-parenting challenges with a toxic ex, parenting, inspiration, faith, and other topics.

So if you’re new here, welcome! If you’ve been here with me on this journey for a bit welcome back! I’ve missed sharing with you all and am coming back soon!

If you have any questions, comments or just want to say “hi,” email me at or on Instagram

Sending you lots of peace, joy, and love,





Proud Single Mom who also enjoys writing and sharing my thoughts on various topics.