The Only Time White People Can Say The N-Word

5 min readJun 17, 2018

“I give you give an inch and you take a mile.” — Earon, my older brother

Last week, a white friend and former roommate of mine sent me this video saying, “I know you saw the Kendrick shit, but what you think about this?”

And after watching it, I was shocked. Is you deadass? I fucked with Oxymoron, but this is exactly the type of culturally regressive rhetoric — coming from a black man no less — that aides the ammunition of our oppressor in the war against black America.

He posed this question once before and I could sense he was still wrestling with my answer. So, I figure I’d answer in length here today.

Can white people say nigga?

No. Negro (black), a Portuguese variant of the Latin word niger (black), wasn’t an inclusive term to begin with. It found its home inside the hearts of slave transporters and owners who used it to deliberately isolate and subconsciously ingrain inferiority, hoping to further break us down psychologically while holding us in physical captivity.

