DeathRoad Monthly Report — December 2021
5 min readJan 5, 2022


Good morning, day or night racers!

Welcome to the first of many monthly developer updates from the DeathRoad team. As we’ve entered a new year, we want to make it clear that we are listening to you, the community, and will keep on developing this project to be the skill to earn racing metaverse of the future.

So, what will we cover in these reports? We will go through what happened development and community wise, what the user base looks like in regards to growth & adoption and we will also give you all a glimpse of the future.

Important milestones:

The month started off with an important milestone - that DeathRoad got approved for TestFlight, which meant that iOS users also got a chance to experience the game.

In the middle of the month, on December 18th, the Showroom closed for now as the intended metaverse includes features not yet revealed that will ease the need for everyone to own their own NFT:s.

Since the beginning of December we went from version 1.0.1 to 1.0.5 which included several major revisions. One of the most needed was the big security update (1.0.4) which also introduced a new movement system and the ILV map. At the end of the month we introduced several deflationary features to both make the project more sustainable over time as well as preparing for the big reward changes to come. That includes a possibility to repair cars and weapons as well as the option to boost the weapons. It’s not needed per say, but to maximize rewards and increase your chances to go far it might be a good decision.

Another big update that also happened at this time was the reduction of time needed to play, as the max turns per day was lowered from 10 to 5, while the rewards were doubled.

Last week we also introduced our new communicative effort - the weekly updates - that lets you all follow which product updates are to be expected each week.

Growth and adoption:

During December the average volume on the marketplace was around 500 000 $DRACE, and from that 20 000 daily $DRACE fees were generated which will be used for rewards and future development.

Right now over 1,6 million turns have been races shared amongst 9000 active racers.

Community outreach and partnerships:

On December 18:th we had our first community AMA in the CryptoZin Discord. It was a fun event which had live streaming of gameplay, questions to the team both from our moderator and the community as well as fun competitions and prizes. Feel free to read our Medium article with the full set of both questions and answers.

The first DAO collaboration with HappyLand ended successfully. A total of 1,515,151 tokens were sold at a price of 0.033$/HPL to a total of 220 DeathRoad stakers. The ATH for the project reached 60x from the private sale price.

We also entered a new partnership with the open world project, which already led to some DeathRoad vehicles being implemented in their alpha version. We expect to see DeathRoad NFT cars and weapons being usable in the Polygonum game once the game goes live further down the line.

Glimpse into the future:

As you might have noticed already, we are discussing, imagining and preparing ways to reward both players and investors. There will be benefits staking both NFT:s and tokens, and one way will be through receiving the coming DeathRoad Staking Card. We hope you didn’t miss our design contest where you as a valued community member got the chance to be a part of the future of the project, as well as winning some real sweet prizes.

We have since the beginning stated that this project aims for a sustainable reward system by focusing on skill 2 earn and enjoyable gameplay. The first big step into this new reward system is coming with the Daily Tournament system, which for now is playable on the Testnet. This will be tested until 9th Jan 2022 after which it will be deployed on the Mainnet.

We acknowledge, and know, that the market and charts affect people. We also know the importance of bringing more people on board. Right now our primary goal is getting the product in a more complete state, while we have initiated dialogue with several groups that could help us onboard more users and prepare the project even more for the future.

Earlier this week we also presented a proper form to report issues and suggest ideas for the betterment of the project. We really appreciate good ideas, so if you help us in the development through this form, you can be rewarded for this.

One of the things we know is how frustrating it has been for ILV NFT holders to not be able to use their assets, and we are finishing the fixes to the bugs that hinder them from being used. We are also planning a compensation strategy for our investors we know invested both time and money into acquiring these.

As another step in the change to a more PvP oriented focus we will later this week present our big Real Time Racing Tournament where racers from all over the world will be able to compete for great prizes. The total prize pool will be 3000$ so practice and be ready to be able to make some really sweet real time gains.

We also listened to the community and want to give some updates on questions that have been asked by many:

Regarding the land sale and tickets: As of now the land sale is planned to happen at the end of Feb 2022 after PvP and the 3D racing game is released. The more and longer you stake, the more tickets you receive. It will work a bit like the HPL system where the more tickets you have, the more pieces of land you will be able to buy.

Regarding the community DAO: A new app dedicated for DAOs will be deployed next week. Along with the new app, there will be more DeathRoad DAO allocations in January and February. We’re very excited to tell you more about those.

Regarding the F2P version: The F2P version is ready to use. We are preparing all material and instructions for new users to play.

We are also in the process of adding new kinds of NFT:s to the system that change the gameplay in accordance to the users will. For example NFT:s that change the projectile color and other aesthetics.

After the successful AMA we are also planning to organize similar events at least once a month. Feel free to use the upcoming suggestion form to come up with ideas regarding which communities we could or should reach out to!

That sums up this first report, and the DeathRoad team would like to thank you all for being a part of this project. We are here to stay and hope to see you all with us in the future.

About DeathRoad:
DeathRoad is the first Metaverse Racing Game on Binance Smart Chain network and is considered as one of the most promising projects in terms of NFT Gaming and Metaverse. Unlike many other projects only focusing on Play-to-earn mode, DeathRoad aim is to build a Metaverse where racers do not only utilize racing skills to enjoy the real racing experience and to earn tradable valuable digital assets but can also really “live” in it by owning lands, opening a garage, and opening rental services.

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