Prompt #22: What gets you past the starting line?

Death To Stock
1 min readJun 1, 2016


Shot by Maresa Smith for Death to The Stock Photo

Standing at the starting line of a project (for yourself, or your clients) can feel like standing at the base of a mountain you’re gearing up to climb.

It’s intimidating. You feel dwarfed by everything to come.

Sure, you can see your goal ahead, far in the distance, shining against the horizon. You know others have achieved similar things before you… and yet, the path to arrive is so long it can almost keep you from beginning.

But, as creatives, there’s always something that pushes us to just start.

For some of us, it’s a mantra we tell ourselves; a reassuring statement that helps us take the first step.

For others, it’s the goal that spurs us forward, and the results hitting that goal will allow us to enjoy; whether it’s income, personal satisfaction, or something else.

So for today’s prompt, we’re wondering: What helps you start?

What actions do you take to make sure that first, hardest step is just a little easier?

What do you tell yourself to make the road ahead manageable, no matter how long it feels?

Get going, and share with us below!



Death To Stock

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