Happy New Year 2018: Wishes, Greetings

debashish gogoi
3 min readOct 24, 2018

She asks what Julie’s fortune says, which peruses, “Fresh starts resemble new shoes.” Both young ladies are confused by what their fortunes mean, and as Julie eats whatever is left of her treat, she arrives at the end the fortunes may perhaps imply that it’s not in every case simple when first beginning something new. Section Four: Gung Hay Fat Choy Edit Julie gets a telephone call from Ivy, with respect to Julie’s welcome to the Happy Panda to observe Chinese New Year. Julie says Mom had demonstrated her the welcome and affirms she’ll be going to the celebrations. Ivy includes that since Julie had been such a major help around the Ling family unit, Julie’s entire family has been welcomed for the occasion.

Ivy had conveyed a solicitation to Mr. Albright’s home, and he had acknowledged the offer. Julie fears the possibility of her dad and Tracy in indistinguishable room from Ivy talks away, saying it’ll be the best Chinese New Year ever. At the point when the telephone bring’s finished, Julie begins to chomp her fingernails and stress over having her entire family present at the Lings’ occasion. She fears Tracy may begin another scene with Dad before the Lings and destroy another occasion.

Julie feels her family doesn’t appear to have much favorable luck or family harmony, imperative parts of Chinese New Year. She thinks about turning down Ivy’s welcome for Chinese New Year, yet feels it would disappointing Ivy, also herself. New Year Meme Julie recalls things used to be considerably less convoluted preceding her folks’ separation. Mother intrudes on Julie’s prepare of contemplations, inquiring as to whether something’s incorrectly, and Julie discloses to Mom the entire situation.

Mother solaces Julie, saying how she would rather not see Julie hold her sentiments in. Julie concedes she didn’t know whether she ought to have informed Mom concerning the occasions at Dad’s home over Christmas. Mother recognizes Christmas had been no picnic for everybody, except reminds Julie that she can simply converse with her on the off chance that it has anything to do with their family.

Mother proceeds on, including that as hard as things are with family separated, it’s similarly as troublesome with the entire family together, and it will be a repeating case in their lives, from occasions to real life breakthroughs, for example, birthday events, graduations, and weddings. Mother trusts perhaps the current year’s Chinese New Year festivities will give an opportunity to the family to work on being as one.

The evening of the mythical beast march, Julie heads toward Ivy’s home. The two young ladies trade welcome, and Ivy conveys Julie to her space to flaunt the red silk dress she had attempted on at Chinatown. Mrs. Ling had gotten Ivy the red dress as a major aspect of the convention of purchasing new apparel for the new year, having been companions with the saleslady of the shop.

