Flutter and Appwrite BaaS Integration

Debasish Das
3 min readFeb 25, 2023


Flutter is a popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications. With Flutter, developers can create high-performance mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. However, building a mobile application requires more than just the front-end development. Developers must also create a robust backend to store and manage data. Appwrite is an open-source backend as a service (BaaS) platform that can be used to build the backend for a mobile application. In this blog post, we will explore the integration of Flutter with Appwrite to create high-performance mobile applications.

What is Appwrite?

Appwrite is a self-hosted open-source BaaS platform that provides developers with a set of easy-to-use APIs to build the backend of their applications. It provides a complete suite of backend tools that include authentication, database, storage, and functions. Appwrite also provides SDKs for a variety of programming languages, including Dart, the programming language used in Flutter.

Appwrite was designed with security in mind. It uses the latest security standards and provides features such as two-factor authentication, rate limiting, and IP blocking to keep your application secure. Appwrite is also highly scalable and can handle millions of requests per second.

Integration of Flutter with Appwrite

Integrating Flutter with Appwrite is straightforward. Appwrite provides an SDK for Dart, which allows developers to access the Appwrite APIs from their Flutter application. This SDK provides a set of easy-to-use APIs that abstract the details of the RESTful API endpoints.

To integrate Flutter with Appwrite, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create an Appwrite Account
To use Appwrite, you will need to create an account. You can sign up for a free account at appwrite.io. Once you have created an account, you can create a new project and configure the backend services that you need.

Step 2: Install the Appwrite SDK for Dart
To use the Appwrite SDK for Dart, you will need to add it as a dependency in your Flutter application. You can do this by adding the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:


appwrite: ^0.6.1

After adding the dependency, run flutter pub get to install the SDK.

Step 3: Initialize the Appwrite Client
To use the Appwrite SDK, you will need to initialize the Appwrite client in your Flutter application. You can do this by creating an instance of the Client class and passing in your project ID and endpoint URL:


Step 4: Use Appwrite Services
Once you have initialized the Appwrite client, you can use the Appwrite services to manage your backend. For example, you can use the database service to store and retrieve data, and the authentication service to manage user authentication. Here’s an example of how to create a new document in the database:

I will be creating few more articles around AppWrite features like Auth, Storage and many more.



Debasish Das

Mobile App Developer. Passionate about GoLang, System Design, Problem Solving, Distributed Systems. Loves to build products that scales to million.