Top Hustles if You Lost Your Job during the Pandemic

Debasish Sarma
4 min readOct 1, 2020


Ways that will help you Financially during this pandemic

In this time of the pandemic, side hustles have become a necessity for everyone than ever before. Millions of people around the globe have lost their jobs and their basic livelihood. Every part of this world is going through great losses but the only business that is thriving right now is Online Business. So why not start something of your own too!

Although there would already be many established companies revolving around of the ideas that you came up with but trust me the internet is huge and you will make some profit out of it even if that idea of yours has already been implemented by millions of people before you.

What are you passionate about?

Thinking about your interest and passion initially will help you to decide your side hustle. You may also consider your experiences in your current job; this will prove to be extremely helpful. Once done you can focus on your niche and start to find methods of monetizing that skill on the internet. This isn’t related to my article, I know, but this advice will help in having a better viewpoint.

Best Hustles For almost Anyone

Create an E-learning course

Now, this is where your desired job experiences will come out to be useful. If you are a software developer in a company then you can create a course on JAVA or Python or any language that you are familiar with. Right now the EdTech industries are booming. People who are stuck at home are trying to spend their time in the most productive way. Due to this increase in demand, it has now become fairly easy to earn from e-courses if the marketing is done in the right way.

The beauty of this option is that you can offer lessons to anyone on any topic regardless of your educational qualification. If you can make your student understand, then that’s all you need; nobody in your entire lifetime will question your qualification, neither the school you attended once.


Now, this does require some investment and marketing knowledge but trust me the returns of those efforts will be insane. Dropshipping is simply buying a product at a lower cost from wholesalers and then selling it on your website or a third party e-commerce website at a higher price.

Just as EdTech, Dropshipping is also probably the best business to get into right now. Ever since the pandemic, people have started to shop online more than going to a physical store due to safety issues. Use this opportunity to create your e-commerce empire.

Use this guide if you want to know more about it for free:


Dropservicing is a kind of the new player in the side hustle category. You might have already guessed that it shares some common ideas with Dropshipping. Well, in that case you are absolutely correct. It’s Dropshipping but here we sell services instead of physical goods.

In drop servicing, you find clients who are ready to pay you for some specific task and you outsource them by hiring someone else at a lower cost from websites like Fiverr. Its best to indulge in this business using google ads if you need instant results.

Use this guide if you want to know more about it for free:

Instacart Driver

Becoming an Instacart Driver might be the best option for you if you can drive and want to make money easily. Instacart does pay quite well to the drivers so it can be a good option. I have personally seen people earning $20-$30 per hour. Although Google states that the average is $11 per hour but rest assured you’ll earn more if you live in an expensive city. On a good day, you can expect anywhere from $250–300.

Youtube Channel(but not traditional)

Earning a good amount from Youtube will take time, but this is only true if you go with the traditional way. But there is actually another way and this is how it goes:

  1. Make a Youtube channel
  2. Go to amazon and then choose any random product
  3. Go to its Customers Question & Answer section
  4. Select a few questions and make a video on it where you answer those questions in full details.

Doing this will immediately tell google that you have the solution to those questions. So whenever a person googles those questions, your video will pop up at first and consequently you will gain views.

Also, add the affiliate link of those products in your description, as people will tend to buy the product once their questions are answered. This will help you earn more.

You can see in this list that none of the ideas that I mentioned is something crazily out of this world. All of these ideas are just following the supply and demand rule.

The time you find a gap in the market is the time you start making money.

This pandemic has destroyed many markets but at the same time, it has also created many new ones. The sea of opportunities never ends and never will…..

