Aung San Suu Kyi: A Final Solution for Rohingya Muslims and the Nobel Peace Prize Winning Dictator

3 min readSep 22, 2017


[Published 22 September, 2017]

In the last week, Aung San Suu Kyi, the former political prisoner and so-called human rights activist, who was under house arrest for 15 years until she became leader of Myanmar, refused to attend the UN General Assembly to answer questions on the plight of the Rohingya Muslims.

Whilst more than 400,000 Rohingya Muslims have been driven out of their homes in their droves by the Myanmar military and forced to flee across the border into neighbouring Bangladesh, a spokesperson for Kyi, cited that she had more important ‘security’ and ‘domestic’ issues to attend.

This is a travesty and the world and our governments should demand to know from Kyi, what could be more pressing and of immediate concern, than the forced mass exodus, displacement, and man-made human catastrophe created and enabled by Kyi herself and with the full backing of her government?

Indeed, the UN and other aid agencies, now recognise Kyi’s wilful and deliberate inaction and enablement of this brutal atrocity, which clearly amounts to nothing less than ethnic cleansing and genocide on a scale not seen since Rwanda and Hitler’s extermination of European Jews in WWII.

Kyi won the hearts of the world and made her name for her civil disobedience and activism against the military dictatorship that placed her under house arrest and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for her activism.

By ignoring the plight of the Rohingya and allowing this to happen, Kyi has become the very thing that she once despised and opposed.

Kyi, herself, is now a dictator and ultimately responsible for this tragedy. She is not worthy of her title as a humanitarian head of a democratic state; and certainly not worthy of the honour of being awarded Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize Committee should strip Kyi of her honour.

If, or until the people of the world demand action from Kyi, the international community should impose sanctions on Myanmar; the country should be isolated both economically and diplomatically; and countries like the UK, US, and Israel should follow the example of others and cease the sale of all arms to Myanmar.

Should isolation and sanctions fail to persuade Kyi and her government to act in the correct manner, then the UN Security Council should send in a peace-keeping force to Myanmar and install a soft border between the Rakine region and the rest of Myanmar.

Under threat of being brought before the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, Kyi should be brought before the UN and forced into dialogue with an elected leader of the Rohingya.

If dialogue fails, then as a final solution the UN and the world should support a plan to partition Myanmar, establishing and giving the Rohingya their own country.

Much like the truth and reconciliation committee in South Africa, an investigation should be instigated in order to determine the extent of human rights abuses, who the perpetrators are, followed by prosecutions in the International Criminal Court.

The following links could go some way to help make the above happen, so please do your bit and do not ignore this.

Sign the Petition:

If you are in Europe, you can write to your MEP and ask them to bring this to the attention to the European Parliament by clicking HERE!

For citizens in the UK, please click and do the same HERE! If in the US, you should click HERE!

If Kyi, members of the military and her government need to be imprisoned again, so be it.

Be the change!

Author: Jason Schumann

Originally published at on September 22, 2017.




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