How to slim body effectively?

6 min readFeb 14, 2022


Slim body sounds simple. By controlling your diet and exercising is enough, the excess fat will disappear. But this weight loss method is not always effective and safe, and you can get rid of fat without compromising your health by following basic rules or trying some reduce fat treatments.

slim body

Causes of Weight Gain

Nutrient excess or deficiency can lead to excess fat or unmet needs of the body. There are other reasons for weight gain:

· Genetics

· Binge eating

· Sedentary lifestyle

· Hormonal disorders, etc.

slim body

We observed physiological weight gain in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Declining hormone levels and slow metabolism during menopause also contribute to weight gain.

How to slim body safely and effectively?

To slim body safely and effectively, you must follow certain rules. Follow them strictly and it’s easy to say goodbye to being overweight. All you need is:

·Reduce fat slowly. Every day, the human body needs to replenish its energy, which is necessary for its normal functioning. If it stops flowing, the well-coordinated work of internal organs and systems is disrupted, which can lead to various pathologies. The norm is to lose 1–2 kg per month and that’s it. This safe way to the slim body will not affect your health in any way.

·Include healthy fats in your daily diet: fish oil, olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc. They are involved in the secretion of hormones that promote satiety and improve gastrointestinal function.

·Count calories. Calorie counting of foods will help you slim your body properly and you can lose excess fat without compromising your personal food preferences. Many people give up counting calories because they find it cumbersome. However, it is through reasonable calorie restriction that you can balance your diet and reduce fat.

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·Speed up metabolism. The body’s metabolic rate declines with age, and it doesn’t burn calories as aggressively as it once did. To speed up your metabolism and reduce fat safely, you need to: Get enough sleep at all times, prevent hunger, get some exercise, and make sure you eat a complex carbohydrate-rich breakfast for breakfast. You also need to quit smoking and give up alcohol.

·Increase water intake. To start your slim body process without compromising your health, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. It can speed up metabolism and reduce appetite. And any reduced-fat method means banning soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.

·Reduce sugar intake. Denying sugar intake can lead to a rapid reduction of fat because 90% of food contains sugar. But you shouldn’t get rid of it completely because the body needs natural sugars (from fruits, berries), but refined sugars are unhealthy.

What Are Some Effective Physical Exercises?

Physical activity can help you have a slim body without compromising your physical health. Physical activity and diet control at the same time are quick ways to reduce fat. Physical activity not only helps build muscle and remove excess fat, but it also improves cardiovascular function:

·Dumbbell lunges are an effective way to work your pelvis and glutes.

·Squat. This is a great exercise for a slim body, not only working the glutes but also the lower back since all muscle groups are involved during the squat.

·Strengthen the back muscles. Few people know that exercises that strengthen the back muscles can also reduce fat. Not only do they help burn fat, but they also help build a strong muscle frame.

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·Exercise your abdominal muscles. Building your abdominal muscles can help you reduce fat and create a slimmer silhouette. By applying a load to your abdomen, you can get the relief you need in your lower abdomen.

· push-ups. It is recommended to include and regularly perform push-up training in every physical activity. This type of physical activity is useful for people of any age.

·Combining push-ups with running or brisk walking can speed up your metabolism, resulting in more fat loss.

What are the Safe and Effective Slim Body Treatments?

·Cellulite Massage

Cellulite massage can solve problems such as loose skin, cellulite, and puffiness. The procedure of a cellulite massage involves the abdomen and thighs, and it can also be performed on other parts of the body. During the massage, the beautician squeezes the fat through professional massage techniques, and the fat cells will be destroyed accordingly. The result of cellulite massage is a normalization of tissue metabolism, increased blood flow, and promotion of tissue cell regeneration.

cellulite massage

After the first cellulite massage, patients will observe a change in skin tone, smoother and more elastic skin. Swelling in the problem area is relieved. Contraindications to cellulite massage include vascular lesions, skin diseases, cancer, pregnancy, and lactation.

·Ultrasonic cavitation therapy

Ultrasonic cavitation therapy can solve problems such as cellulite and localized fat deposition. Ultrasonic cavitation is a common hardware technique to combat localized fat deposits and reduce fat. Ultrasonic cavitation therapy works by using low-frequency ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells. Therefore, ultrasonic cavitation therapy can significantly reduce fat in body parts such as the abdomen, sides, back, arms, neck, etc.

ultrasonic cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation therapy can help you get rid of 2–3 cm of volume. The specific course of treatment is determined according to the patient’s physique and treatment area. It is recommended to consult a professional beautician. To maintain the slim body effect, it may be necessary to repeat the course 1–2 times a year at intervals. Contraindications to ultrasonic cavitation therapy include autoimmune diseases, cancer, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

·Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage can address localized fat deposits, loose skin, and swelling. People who are overweight, often accompanied by swelling, may recommend a lymphatic drainage massage. Lymphatic drainage massage helps to speed up lymph flow, reduce congestion and help relieve swelling, and the process of breaking down fat cells is also activated.

lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is not suitable for patients with cancer, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, and patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

·Radiofrequency lifting treatment

Radiofrequency lifting treatments help address skin aging, sagging, dullness, and localized fatty deposits. Radiofrequency lifting treatments are based on radio waves that release heat to affect the skin. Irradiation with radio waves stimulates the cells to work, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin. With the help of 4–8 sessions, the skin becomes more elastic and firmer, the complexion is normalized, puffiness is eliminated and cellulite is reduced.

radiofrequency lifting

Contraindications to radiofrequency lifting treatment include pregnancy or lactation, the presence of tumor pathology, pacemakers or metal implants.




myChway is committed to providing our clients with safe and efficient fat reduction treatments and aesthetic skincare procedures.