Why People Are So Fascinated By Villains

This is what the movie doesn’t tell you about our notorious villains.

D.C. Meyers
3 min readMar 12, 2019

Most people don’t like the villains in movies because they think that the villain is evil. They see the villain as the bad guy. And that’s usually how the movie portrays the antagonist. Believe it or not, but villains might have some redeeming qualities.

I think people like villains because they are so mysterious. Usually, when you watch a movie, you only see the protagonist’s story. You don’t really know the antagonist’s background. And if you’re as curious as I am, you would wonder what it is that the movie is not telling you about the villain.

Photos from https://www.hellystar.com/en/the-mysterious-man-of-taured/

Not all movies are so vague about the villain’s background story. In fact, there are movies that are dedicated to the villain’s background story. For example, the Maleficent movie shows how Maleficent grew up. It shows all the heartache and heartbreak Maleficent went through. By watching the movie, you can get a better understanding of why she turned out the way she did and why she did what she did. The movie gave an explanation but not an excuse. Just because she went through all of that doesn’t dismiss the things she did. But since people got a better understanding from the movie, it’s easier to relate to Maleficent.

