2 min readMay 24, 2023



In the realm where dreams unfurl,

There was a girl, a precious pearl.

Born with fire in her heart and mind,

A prodigy, unrecognized, yet destined to find.

She stood amidst doubtful whispers and stares,

A world that failed to see what she truly bears.

But within her spirit, a flame burned bright,

A beacon of potential, radiating with might.

Crossroads beckoned, paths yet untried,

She stood there, her spirit undenied.

To tread the future, embrace the unknown,

Or linger in the past, where doubts were sown.

With courage in her eyes, she took a stand,

A resolute choice, to shape her own strand.

No longer bound by others' disbelief,

She'd soar beyond limits, bring her dreams to relief.

Like a phoenix, she rose, her wings unfurled,

A symphony of resilience, a force in this world.

Her talents blossomed, like stars in the night,

Igniting possibilities with every stride.

The naysayers watched in awe and surprise,

As she painted her destiny across the skies.

Her greatness undeniable, shining through,

A testament to dreams and what they can do.

Oh, prodigy of strength, relentless and bold,

You've shattered barriers, stories yet untold.

May your journey inspire others to believe,

In the power of dreams, and all they can achieve.

So, prodigy, embrace the path ahead,

Leave behind the doubts that once were spread.

Forge your legacy, let your spirit glow,

For you were destined for greatness, and it shall surely show.

