Why I’m in Love With Ja Morant

Along with the rest of the NBA-loving world

Deborah Camp
5 min readFeb 25, 2022


Author’s photo of basketball player Ja Morant in a screen grab
Author’s photo of basketball player Ja Morant in an altered screen grab

Ja Morant is a man who makes Tennessee proud. Memphis, Tennessee — to put a finer point on it.

We’re doggedly claiming him right here as if he were born and raised in this city of blues, barbecue and rock ‘n roll.

While our state suffers almost daily indignities by bible-beating book-banners, and other forms of dumbassery trotted out by a rotating roster of political yahoos — We’ve Got Ja.

The 22-year-old point guard is number 12 on the Grizzlies roster, and he makes hearts palpitate across every demographic.

This young, magical player, whose charm and charisma rival his ferocity on the court, is one who will see us through hard times and dark days ahead.

Author’s photo of basketball player Ja Morant in an altered screen grab
Author’s photo of basketball player Ja Morant in an altered screen grab

I can’t remember a basketball season as exciting as this one, ever. And it’s being driven by a player who averages close to 16 points in the paint every game he plays.

That stat, by the way, is the highest points-in-the-paint average for a guard in the history of the NBA…



Deborah Camp

Award-winning writer/editor/columnist. No niches here! I write on topics ranging from humor, busines, life experiences, & more. deborah.camp@comcast.net