Designing Interfaces for Dark Mode: Best Practices for UX Designers

Deborah Bittencourt
3 min readMay 2, 2023

How to create visually appealing and accessible interfaces in dark mode

Giving the user the possibility to change the appearance of the product from bright to dark mode is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must, as it becomes something that most users will be expecting from the start.

A dark mode interface can improve readability, accessibility, and aesthetics, while also providing a unique and modern experience for users.

In this article, I will give you essential tips and best practices for designing dark mode interfaces that I wish I knew when I first got started as a UX/UI designer.

As an all-things design, this content aims to help make your interfaces both functional and visually striking, taking your dark mode designs to the next level.

◼️ Avoid going #000000

While full black with white text may seem like a high-contrast option for a dark mode interface, it can actually create readability issues for the users.

The reasons behind this affirmation are:

  • Eye strain: It can be fatiguing for the eyes, particularly in low-light conditions.
  • Glare effect on some displays: Black background can cause pixels to turn off completely, resulting in brighter white text.

In this case, tones like #141414, #121212, and #1D1D1D can become your new best friends.

🌘 Contrast is key

When designing for dark mode, contrast is more important than ever.

With a dark background, it can be easy for text and other elements to blend in and become unreadable. To combat this, use high-contrast text and elements, such as white or light-colored text against a dark background.

🌈 Use Color wisely

While contrast is important, it’s also important not to go overboard with color in dark mode designs. A dark mode design can quickly become overwhelming if there are too many bright and bold colors.

Instead, consider using a limited color palette with muted or desaturated colors that complement the dark background. This can create a more elegant and calming design.

Also, keep this in mind: While the color in bright mode can help something pop-up, if contrast is not in check, the element can easily blend with the background in dark mode, even being colorful. For this reason, constantly ask yourself (and test) how the colors are arranged and if it’s calling the attention it should.

👁️ Consider Accessibility

Accessibility should always be a priority when designing interfaces, and this is especially true for dark-mode designs.

Some users with visual impairments may struggle with reading text against a dark background, while others may benefit if they suffer from photosensitivity.

That’s why is ideal to offer both bright and dark appearances, while also making sure that the text has enough contrast to be easily readable, no matter the mode.

🧑🏽‍💻 Test Your Design

Testing is essential for any design, but it’s especially important for dark-mode designs. Testing can reveal issues with contrast, legibility, and readability that may not be immediately apparent during the design process.

Be sure to test your designs on a variety of devices, including both mobile and desktop, to ensure that your design works well in all contexts.

⭐️ Consider Branding

Dark mode designs can be an opportunity to showcase the brand in a different light.

Consider incorporating brand colors or elements into your dark mode design to create a unique and recognizable experience for your users. However, be mindful of how your branding elements interact with the dark background and ensure that they remain legible and visible.

Hope you find these tips helpful in your UX/UI journey!



Deborah Bittencourt

Product Designer focused on crafting impactful experiences, from idea to launch. Portfolio: