Everlasting Soul

14 September 2019, Haiku/Tanka prompt word “bliss”

Deborah Christensen
2 min readSep 13, 2019

bliss of love enfolds
saturated acceptance
complete belonging -
with a partner, or without
everlasting soul awakes

PROMPT: Write a haiku/tanka using the prompt word “bliss” (or a derivative).

A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry totalling 17 syllables (in the English language) which are usually arranged in three lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables.

It often references the natural world and more modern forms of haiku can also reference human nature.

A tanka is composed of 31 syllables in five lines (5, 7, 5, 7, 7).

It can be written in a series addressing the same subject matter.

Deborah lives in Queensland, Australia with her husband and little dog Lily. She has six adult children (and two beautiful grandchildren) who live throughout Australia. She is a published author and artist and has her own online counselling service speaking to clients both in Australia and Internationally. She can be found at https://compassionateconnection.com.au/



Deborah Christensen

Artist, Poet, Writer, Loving all things meditation and energy