The French (Canadian) Resistance

An interview with investigative journalist Guy Boulianne of Quebec

Deborah L. Armstrong
20 min readJan 2, 2023

During the last months of 2022, I became acquainted with an investigative journalist from Quebec named Guy Boulianne, whose work is well-known in the French-speaking world.

I encourage all who follow me to follow Guy as well. Although he writes in French, his website will translate his work into the language of your choice. All you have to do is click on the flag of your nation which pops up in the bottom right of the screen.

Guy has broken a number of stories relating to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, such as how the Ukrainian hitlist known as Mirotvorets (“Peacekeeper”) is using facial recognition technology to locate people it considers “enemies of Ukraine.” Guy himself was also added to the black list after interviewing Faina Savenkova, the teenage author from Donbass, about whom I have also written many times.

I wanted to get to know Guy better, and introduce him to my followers, so I did the following interview with him in text. Although Guy speaks English in our private correspondence, he did not feel his English was proficient enough for an interview on camera, so I sent him my questions via social media instead.

I think that once you read what he has to say, you will want to keep listening to him!

Guy Boulianne interview

Deborah Armstrong: How long have you been a journalist, what got you started, and what are your favorite kinds of stories?

Guy Boulianne: I started my career as an author 40 years ago when I published my first collection of poetry entitled “Foreword from a mad prince” (Avant-propos d’un prince fou). Over the years I have published
other books, the last two being “The Fabian Society: Masters of Subversion Unmasked” (La Société fabienne: Les maîtres de la subversion démasqués) and “Gabriel’s Ark: From Mecca to Antarctica” (L’Arche de Gabriel : de La Mecque à l’Antarctique), in which I express the idea that Vladimir Putin would have had the Ark of the Covenant transferred to the South Pole (this documented book is a hypothesis based on real facts).

For a very long time, I have been writing articles on my website on very diverse subjects, ranging from Canadian and international politics to spirituality, science and the Covid-19 crisis. My articles have often been included on third-party websites in Canada, the United States and Europe, such as Réseau International, Profession Gendarme, Mondialisation (Global Research), Planètes360 and Nouveau Monde.

The course of life made me become a freelance journalist. I am now a member of the General News Service Network Association (GNS Press) and the International Association of Press Photographers (IAPP). I am also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, USA (SPJ). I therefore fully adhere to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Global Code of Ethics for Journalists.

DA: Did you work in mainstream news and if so, what was your experience there? I.E., did you notice censorship? Were you censored?

GB: As a freelance journalist, I have never worked in mainstream media and I must admit that I am not very interested in that. On the other hand, as soon as my first book was published at the age of 20, the “mainstream” media became interested in me. I remember having obtained articles in the newspaper “La Presse” and the magazine “Le Lundi,” two important publications at the time. Later, I was director of art galleries and I founded my publishing house (Editions Dedicaces). Again, I got people talking about me and my businesses in the Canadian and European media, whether in
newspaper articles or radio and television interviews, on Radio-Canada and TV5 Monde for example. So I‘m no stranger to mainstream media.

Regarding censorship, it happened to me on social networks. On April 6, 2020, Facebook decided to completely close my account, including the removal of all my publications, my photos, my videos, my pages, my groups… in a word, absolutely EVERYTHING! I had 5000 contacts and a
queue of people interested in subscribing to my news feed. This total censorship arrived without any warning after twelve years of permanent presence on this social network. A month later, the Vimeo video platform also closed my account, followed by YouTube which closed my channel and
removed all of my videos after I posted a video from the Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec concerning the Covid-19. Later, the LinkedIn network also closed my account after at least 12 years of real presence, both for myself and for my publishing house, Editions Dédicaces. I had at
that time more than 4,707 subscribers on this platform.

I must clarify that I was not banned from these platforms because I advocated violence or other wrongdoing, but because I shared relevant information on Covid-19 and politics in general.

DA: When did you realize that mainstream media was lying about Russia/Ukraine? Or did you know this all along?

GB: It is very easy to see that the mainstream media lie, or at least do not tell the whole truth about the armed conflict currently taking place in Ukraine and Donbass. We have all become aware of the dishonesty of the mainstream media during the coronavirus “crisis” as they lied daily, shamefully and with impunity, to the entire population. Personally, I always tend to diversify my reading and go back to the source of information.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, I also have relations with leading analysts in Europe, Russia, Donbass and elsewhere, such as war observer Erwan Castel (former sniper of the Piatnashka Brigade) and General Dominique Delawarde in France. I am also in contact with other people, such as the director of the Foundation to Battle Injustice (FBI) in Saint Petersburg, Mira Terada, the young writer Faïna Savenkova from Donetsk, and even the lieutenant-colonel of the retired US Army Royston Potter, each of whom brings me realistic and relevant information about the conflict in Ukraine.

DA: What got you interested in reporting about Mirotvorets? What do you think about it personally? I.E., are you shocked that such a database exists?

GB: I learned about the Ukrainian list of Myrotvorets through an interview conducted with the young Faïna Savenkova on September 13, 2022 by the chief editor of The Grayzone website, Max Blumenthal. It was at this time that I myself began to publish articles concerning Myrotvorets “list of people to kill”. Three weeks later, you sent me a message from Faïna who asked me if she could do an interview with me: “I have a lot to tell about the Donbass, about my life and my work.” So I organized a live video conference with Faïna, Mira Terada and journalist and interpreter Christophe Trontin. This conference obtained a favorable echo in the newspaper RIA FAN (ФАН) and several other media in Russia.

I was outraged from the start by the Ukrainian list of Myrotvorets. Such a list should not exist because it endangers the lives of several people, including journalists and children. The European Parliament had called on Ukraine to close the website. The text of the resolution was made public during the Plenary Session meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2021: “We urge the authorities to firmly condemn and ban the operations of extremist and hate-incentivising groups and websites, such as Myrotvorets, which incite tensions in society and misuse the personal data of hundreds of people, including journalists, politicians and members of minority groups.” Recall also that in 2019, the United Nations observation mission called on Kyiv to close the Myrotvorets network. However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he could not close it, which is absurd.

DA: I’ve noticed that you are very careful as a journalist, and that accuracy is very important to you. Would you say that major media sacrifices accuracy in its haste to “get the story first”?

GB: I like to be meticulous in my writing work. It is also important for me to source my articles by giving as many references as possible. We live in a time when the mainstream media and various stakeholders have a disconcerting ease in labeling all those who deviate from the official narrative as “conspiracy theorists.” This is why it is crucial to write serious articles that are based on information and/or facts that can be demonstrated, even if the subject may be beyond general understanding. I find it sad that there are so many people who are unable to tell the difference between a thesis, a hypothesis and a conspiracy theory. Just because we hypothesize about something doesn’t necessarily mean we’re a conspiracy theorist. Without any hypothesis, there can be no further evolution of the human mind. Thought can no longer advance towards its future, thus undergoing stagnation.

I don’t believe the mainstream media “sacrifices accuracy in its haste to get the story first.” I rather believe that they follow a pre-established and commanded narrative. Mainstream media receive news from international news agencies and only pass it on to their readers with a slight modification to give it a different flavor. Journalists who are ready to put their careers on the line to provide relevant and contradictory information hardly exist anymore. The “journalists” care too much about their comfort and they don’t want to lose it. They don’t have the independence that I have. Obviously, I don’t want to generalize, there are still good journalists but they are becoming increasingly rare.

DA: Which journalists do you pay attention to? Who do you think is providing the best coverage and why?

GB: I don’t have any favorite journalists. As I said above, I like to diversify my readings and I always try to collect the most relevant information according to my own quality criteria. I am interested in several subjects other than the war in Ukraine. I like history, protohistory, genealogy and other exciting subjects such as the mysteries of life and spirituality. I have a large library at home containing hundreds of very diverse books and I have been adding to this collection month by month for years. I don’t want to advertise, but I can say that I buy my used books from the ThriftBooks store, which is the best reference in my opinion. Among my latest acquisitions are the books “Beast Tech” by Thomas Horn and Terry L. Cook, “One World Order” and “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by John Coleman, “Inside the New Age Nightmare” by Randall N. Baer, as well as “Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel” by Milorad Pavić.

DA: What are some of your overall opinions about the war in Ukraine? Do you think Russia made the right decision to begin its Special Military Operation (SMO)?

GB: First of all, I must say that all wars are to be avoided. But sometimes we face the inevitable. In my opinion, there are two major problems which I will summarize as follows:

On May 11, 2014, militants leading the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) held two referendums on secession. These referendums or plebiscites aimed to validate the independence of the two republics prior to their integration into the Russian Federation.
The results of these referendums were not officially accepted by any government except Russia, with the Ukrainian government then considering pro-Russian separatists as terrorists. On February 21, 2022, Russia officially recognized the independence of the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and three days later Vladimir Putin launched his special military operation to protect local populations, accusing Kyiv of “Nazism” and of orchestrating a “genocide” of Russian speakers in Ukraine.

Seven months later, the pro-Russian authorities of the regions of Zaporizhia, Kherson, Luhansk and Donetsk once again claimed victory for the “yes” in favor of annexation by Russia, in the referendums organized by Moscow. The Zaporizhia region election commission said 93.11% of voters voted for joining Russia, while in Kherson region the pro-Moscow occupation administration said 87.05% voters had voted in favor of the “yes.” Shortly after, the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk also announced the victory of the yes.

These polls being considered illegal under international law, Ukraine’s allies denounced them while the UN Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs repeated during a meeting of the Security Council on these referendums of annexation, UN support for “the territorial integrity of Ukraine” within its “recognized borders.” However, the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 16, 1966 and entered into force on March 23, 1976, clearly stipulates in article 1 that “all peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” When meeting with media representatives on December 22, 2022, Vladimir Putin said:

“If someone considers that a separate ethnic group has formed, wants to live independently – for the love of God, you should never go against the will of the people. But if this is so, then this principle should be universal, and in no case should one go against the will of that part of the people who feel in a different hypostasis, considering themselves part of the people Russian and of the Russian world, to consider that they are part of this culture, this language, this history and this tradition. And you can’t fight them either.”

The logo of the Anti-Bolshevik Nations Bloc (ABN) used an old German wolfsangel: This iron hook for killing
wolves was one of the first Nazi emblems used by Waffen SS divisions. Like the swastika, its use is now banned in Germany. It was also used in the Nazi Stormtroopers logo; the National Socialist Movement in the
Netherlands (1931–1945); an Italian far-right terrorist movement (1978–82); the Aryan Nations and White
Power Christian Identity Groups; the neo-Nazi Party of Ukraine (now called Svoboda), and the Ukrainian
Azov Battalion, a fascism-linked militia that aided the pro-NATO Maidan coup in 2014. Azov is now integrated. Photo and caption: Guy Boulianne

The second problem related to this conflict is the Nazification of Ukraine, and those who deny this problem suffer from willful blindness. During his television speech on February 24, 2022, the Russian President announced a military operation in Donbass to defend the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk: “I have decided to carry out a special military operation. Its goal is to protect people who have suffered abuse and genocide at the hands of the Kyiv regime for eight years. And to that end, we will strive to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, and bring to justice those who have committed numerous and bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Several mainstream media, such as CTV News, National Post, The Jerusalem Post and Canadian Dimension, have confirmed that Canada has spent nearly a billion dollars to train Ukrainian forces since 2014 and that soldiers from the Azov regiment, known for its links with the extreme right, have benefited from this training. Journalist Simon Coutu writes on the Radio-Canada website: “Founded by a notorious neo-Nazi, the Azov regiment became known for its feats of arms in 2014 against pro-Russian separatists, particularly in Mariupol, where it fights again today.” A 2016 report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights details accusations against the Azov movement's militia of torture and other war crimes in the conflict that followed the annexation of the Crimea by Russia in 2014.

Nobody can therefore deny the Nazification of Ukraine and there is no question here of a “conspiracy theory” since the mainstream media have themselves confirmed this information. Today, the Ukrainian military is bombing the center of Donetsk, destroying schools and hospitals, causing hundreds of civilian injuries and deaths. It is therefore for these various reasons that the special military operation of Russia in the Donbass is justified. During his meeting with journalists on December 22, Vladimir Putin said: “Our goal is above all to protect people who feel they are part of our people, of our culture.”

DA: How well does the average person in Canada understand the events leading up to the SMO? Would you say Canadians are well informed on this matter generally speaking, or are they as brainwashed as people in the US?

GB: People who only consult the mainstream media will never be able to be well informed and know the reality of the events around us. They will always only have one side of these events and that’s really sad. A majority of people don’t care about so-called “alternative” media like The Exposé, The Epoch Times, Activist Post and Natural News, because they have fallen under the charm of the mainstream media who have told them to beware of these “alternative” media since only conspiracy theories would emerge. This is what happened during the coronavirus crisis. However, we now
know that the alternative media have often been right to warn the population against RNA messenger “vaccines.” We see the unfortunate consequences of this today.

It’s the same with the war in Ukraine and Donbass. Here in Canada, the government is definitely pro-Ukraine, I would even say pro-Bandera and pro-Zelensky. It is virtually impossible for the media to go against the official government narrative. Indeed, on October 2, 2019, the Government
of Quebec announced aid of $50 million per year to all newspapers that broadcast news of general interest on paper or on the web. Patricia Cloutier informed us that “the flagship measure of the plan is a refundable tax credit of 35% on the salary of a journalist or any other newsroom employee, such as IT specialists, up to a salary cap of $75,000.” This is a more generous tax credit than that offered by the federal government of Justin Trudeau, which plans to reimburse 25% of the salaries of newsroom employees, up to a maximum of $55,000 per year. Is the mainstream media as free as the Government of Canada claims on its official website: “Canada strongly believes that media freedom remains an important part of democratic societies and essential to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. People need free media to provide them with accurate information and informed analysis to hold governments to account.” According to Reporters Without Borders, Canada ranks 19th out of 180 countries in terms of press freedom, after East Timor and Namibia. In 2002, Canada was in 5th position, which is a significant setback. The question now is, can the media really afford to bite the hand that feeds them? I think we are allowed to doubt it.

Map of obstacles to the free flow of information on the Internet network. Source: Reporters Without Borders/Guy Boulianne

DA: When were you added to Mirotvorets and why do you think you were added?

GB: My name was added to the “list of people to kill” of Myrotvorets in Ukraine on November 4, 2022, simply for having written several articles concerning the young writer from Donbass Faïna Savenkova, but especially for having organized this famous video conference, which was reported on by several Russian media outlets. It was at this time that I made myself known in Russia and therefore in Ukraine. To my knowledge, only one other Canadian is listed on the Myrotvorets list. This is the journalist and blogger Eva Karene Bartlett.

Although I live more than 7,000 kilometers from Kyiv, the Ukrainian extremist center Myrotvorets follows me continuously and its death threats are thinly veiled. On December 21, 2022, Myrotvorets center officials posted a tweet in which they wrote: “And we killed him for a reason. We will not
allow anyone to touch our Zelensky. We are on the defensive, so that nobody speaks.”
Myrotvorets seems to have published this message because of two articles I wrote regarding the NeuroIDentigraf facial recognition system and the Criminal Code of Ukraine which has significant inconsistencies.
The following December 27, the center of Myrotvorets published a second tweet in which the managers wrote: “Our client looks as we look at him so that he looks at us.”

December 21, 2022 Mirotvorets’ tweet in, “And we killed him for a reason. We will not
allow anyone to touch our Zelensky. We are on the defensive, so that nobody speaks.” Photo: Guy Boulianne
December 27, 2022 Mirotvorets’ second tweet, “Our client looks as we look at him so that he looks at us.” Photo: Guy Boulianne

DA: What has been the reaction of people you know? What has been the reaction of authorities? Have you gone to the authorities? Why or why not?

GB: Since my name was added to the Myrotvorets website in Ukraine, no Canadian mainstream media has picked up the news, when in fact a Canadian citizen is on the list of people to be killed by a strange country. They all kept silent. Do we bet it would be different if it were a journalist or a personality from the “mainstream” environment? There would certainly have been an outcry long ago. Only a few “alternative” media reported on the situation, such as Zradio, TFI Global, MR Online, Somos Mass 99, The Canada Files, Global Research and Nouveau Monde.

As for the authorities, it would be ridiculous to believe that they would do anything to “protect” me since the forces of order obey the various levels of government. During an international press conference organized by the Foundation to Battle Injustice (FBI) on September 6, 2022, Canadian war correspondent Eva Bartlett, who currently resides in Moscow, claimed that she cannot even imagine what awaits her if she returns to her native land. She said at a conference organized by the Schiller Institute four days later: “If I as a journalist and a Canadian citizen were to return to Canada, I have no idea what some of these Ukrainian nationalist-type Canadians would do to me. But I’m certain the Canadian government would not protect me at all.”

DA: To what extent do you believe Justin Trudeau is involved? Do you think he is aware of Mirotvorets and aware of what NATO/US have been doing in Ukraine? Or is he just a clueless puppet? Who do you think is really running Canada?

GB: As I said in an interview soon to be published by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, in Russia, I highly doubt that Justin Trudeau is unaware of the Myrotvorets organization. But instead of being scandalized, denouncing and opposing this blacklist in which are found the names of more than 300
children “to be murdered,” the Prime Minister of Canada issued the “Ukraine Sovereignty Bond” so that Canadians could directly finance this country against Russia. This is what he announced on October 28, 2022 at the XXVII Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians. Subject to negotiations with Ukraine, an amount equal to the proceeds from the bond will be transferred to Ukraine through the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Administered Account for Ukraine.

But I also believe that Justin Trudeau, like many other leaders such as Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden, is effectively a puppet placed in power and manipulated by the occult forces of shadow government. I don’t believe Trudeau has the mental capacity and intelligence quotient to lead a
country. The Canadian Prime Minister is a pawn of the global elite in the service of the New World Order. This is in any case what his half-brother Kyle Kemper confirmed during an interview on February 2, 2022, affirming that Justin Trudeau does not write his own speeches or tweets but executes scenarios written for him by his globalist overlords. Kemper adds, “He is the face and primary spokesperson for the Canadian government, but the policies and initiatives that drive this narrative that he continues to promote, and which I believe is anti-freedoms and anti-Canadian, come from the highest officials, from groups like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg. They recognize that they need to have these strong agents in governments and one thing that we have seen in governments all over the world is weak leaders who are able to act as mouthpieces.” It is therefore not me who makes this assertion, but a very close relative of Justin Trudeau.

DA: You have reported before that Canada has a large number of Ukrainian fascists, and that they are being supported by your leadership there. What do you think will come of this?

GB: It is quite staggering to know that in 2014, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Chrystia Freeland, paraded and promoted the Toronto Ukrainian Festival which featured members of Right Sector (Правый сектор). The objectives of this neo-Nazi group was to raise funds in order to buy military
equipment to send to their fighters in Ukraine. And all this took place in the open air, at Centennial Park in Toronto. On February 27, 2022, Freeland was caught holding the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) banner. We know that Chrystia Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather, Mykhailo Chomiak, was a
high-level Nazi collaborator. From the beginning of 1940 to the first months of 1945, he was editor of the only Ukrainian-language newspaper authorized to publish in Nazi-occupied Poland. Her mother, Halyna Chomiak Freeland, was a lawyer and activist. From 1992 to 2002, she participated in the drafting of the Constitution of Ukraine and its codes of civil and criminal procedure. And now we learn from The New York Times newspaper that Washington is promoting Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister as its “main candidate” to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO Secretary General when the Norwegian’s term expires in September, 2023.

Personally, I believe that the situation will only get worse, not only in Canada but around the world. We are experiencing an international coup and the globalists are using the war in Ukraine to ruin and take control over western populations. It is a question of having the eyes opened to note the reality of these facts. Are we at least aware that on November 4, 2022, Russia submitted a draft resolution to the United Nations General Assembly, its objective being the “fight against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuel contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” However, this resolution was adopted by 105 countries. Fifteen abstained and 52 voted against. Among the latter, Canada and all the countries of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance. Last year, only two countries voted against this text: the United States and Ukraine. This means that currently all NATO countries are in the process of Nazification, which is extremely serious. We are in danger! As the French novelist Marc Lévy writes: “History does not repeat itself as a fatality, but because men tolerate that atrocities happen again.”

Photo: Guy Boulianne

DA: Do you think that your work, and the work of others who are reporting about Mirotvorets or what is happening in Donbass, will make a difference in public awareness? Do you sometimes feel like a lone voice?

GB: To be honest, I don’t think my articles will make a huge difference on the chessboard. As I wanted to imply above, the majority of people only read, listen to, and watch mainstream media that lie to them on a daily basis or don’t tell them the whole truth about current events. We have experienced this during the coronavirus “crisis” during which the media, governments and the scientific community of Big Pharma deliberately, and criminally, lied to the entire population of the world. This Covid-19 crisis was an extraordinary laboratory for the plotters of the New World Order. They were thus able to gauge the degree of obedience of the population as a whole, and in general it was a success for them. There was indeed an awakening at the beginning of the year 2022, but it was already too late since around 70–80% of the world’s population is now injected with experimental products whose long-term health effects are not really known, although we already have a fairly clear idea.

But I’m going a bit off topic. This is to say that the articles that I write or that my colleagues publish in their respective “alternative” media will hardly change the situation, since we only managed to convince a small percentage of the population during the coronavirus crisis. In general, for people, we are just conspiracy theorists despite all the evidence being in front of their eyes. But as they say, it is by sowing seeds that the garden will become green again.

DA: What do you most hope to accomplish with your writing?

GB: Despite my answer above, I hope that something will remain of my writings. I devote myself almost daily to writing new articles, and some of these articles take me several days to write. What most people don’t know is that there is work to do before any new publication. Several hours are spent
researching and collecting data, after which I have to edit the photographs, illustrations, tables and videos. After an article is published, I work to make it known on social networks like Twitter, Vkontakte, Tumblr, Telegram, Gab and sometimes YouTube.

Some people might say I’m still young, but I turned 60 two weeks ago. Anything can happen anytime. We must therefore plan for the future. I would be sad to know that everything I posted on my website would disappear with me. This is why I have been thinking for some time about
extending the hosting of my website for ten years or more, so that it does not suddenly disappear. My website has also been backed up since 2009 on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, which ensures its longevity.

DA: Thank you, Guy, for taking the time to answer my questions. It is an honor to speak with you.

GB: Dear Deborah, thank you for granting me this interview. I hope that my
answers have been able to provide additional information to your readers. I wish you all the happiness you hope for in the coming year and the years to come.

About the author:
Deborah Armstrong currently writes about geopolitics with an emphasis on Russia. She previously worked in local TV news in the United States where she won two regional Emmy Awards. In the early 1990’s, Deborah lived in the Soviet Union during its final days and worked as a television consultant at Leningrad Television

