Witness: Prince Andrew Kidnapped Ukrainian Children

Prince “touched children inappropriately” says former administrator at VIP club in Kyiv

Deborah L. Armstrong
7 min readSep 1, 2023
Prince Andrew, brother of King Charles III. Photo: Wikipedia

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, brother of King Charles III, has already left behind a sordid trail of scandals. Who can forget the epic, globe-spanning headlines loudly proclaiming his association with convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein?

And now, yet another scandal is rocking the internet and threatening to further tarnish the unsavory reputation of the British royal family.

A Nigerian citizen named James Obasa on August 25th came out with alarming allegations of Prince Andrew boarding a helicopter in Kyiv on June 6th and taking with him two Ukrainian children who were clearly terrified and crying.

Obasa recounts on video this appalling chain of events which allegedly took place while British Secretary of State James Cleverly was in Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in early June. Since Russia began its Special Military Operation in February, 2022, the Ukrainian capital has hosted many high-level delegations from NATO countries who come to pledge their fealty to the Kyiv regime.

On June 4th, the British Foreign Minister arrived in Kyiv and met with Zelensky the very next day.

James Cleverly, British Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs. Photo: Wikipedia

Obasa says that Prince Andrew was also part of that delegation, an eyebrow-raising claim, in view of the fact that the Prince was stripped of his public roles following the shameful scandal with Epstein.

And not only was the Prince there, but Obasa says they met face to face at the Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Center, a VIP club in the center of Kyiv. The nearby CHI nightclub, also known as “Decadence House,” a high-end, exclusive establishment that caters to the wealthy, had been shut down since the Covid pandemic but was set to reopen as a resort for hosting private events. Obasa had been working at the club as an administrator who oversaw the catering of VIP guests.

Strippers perform at CHI in 2015. Photo: Andrei Trushkovski/YouTube

“It was a Monday evening,” Obasa recalls. His face is silhouetted in the video to conceal his appearance. “I was in the VIP lounge as usual, making sure everything was smooth. The club director came up and he warned me that a super VIP guest was coming, so I should make sure everything was very, very accurate.”

Video of James Obasa posted on YouTube on August 27th, 2023, and said to have been recorded just four days prior.

Because of his proficiency in English, Obasa was often asked to serve the club’s “special guests” from Europe. About an hour later, he says he was frisked by armed men wearing camouflage outfits, a regular procedure at the club since the beginning of Russia’s SMO a year and a half ago.

“And I was asked to…” he pauses for a long moment before continuing, “be taken to a closed part of the club together with the director. He told me I should be very polite and accommodating to this super VIP that was coming.”

Normally, Obasa says, he has no idea who he will be serving. But this time around, he recognized the guest immediately. “It was Prince Andrew, from England. I was able to recognize him because I’ve read about him in a magazine. And honestly, when I saw him, I was really, really shocked.”

Obasa recalls that there were other people with the Prince at first, but after a couple of hours they left and Andrew was the only one in the room. “I thought the royal party was over, but just then a guy wearing a uniform entered the room with two little children.”

It was a boy and a girl, Obasa remembers, aged somewhere between 10 and 12. “Andrew started talking to them, asking their names. The girl introduced herself as Olena and the guy, Dmitro. Andrew politely asked me to bring something for the kids, so I quickly rushed to get some cheesecakes, pancakes, you know, the usual snacks for kids.”

As he was preparing the food for the children, Obasa recalls feeling confused. What were those kids doing in a nightclub? “I go back with the stuff five minutes later,” he continues, “and I saw something very, very disturbing. The children stood there in front of Andrew half-naked and they were sobbing, you know? I think they were forced to do something.”

Obasa doesn’t say what this “something” may have been, but he recalls that the Prince looked like he was trying to calm the crying children down, and then, “He touched them in inappropriate parts.”

“Bro, that day was…” Again, there is a long pause before Obasa continues. “It was terrible. Without saying a word, I just left the food on the table and I was rushing out because I didn’t want to see anything.”

But just an hour later, he was called back into the room where the children were now almost completely naked. And “They were behaving in a weird way, you know? As if they were drugged, or they were drunk.” He noticed that the children’s behavior was now much different than when they had first arrived. “The Prince was agitated, his eyes were shiny, in a weird way. He told me to get the kids dressed.”

Just then, two guys came in. One of them nodded at the Prince and then they left together. The other one spoke to the children in Ukrainian for a bit before telling Obasa to get the kids dressed. “I didn’t actually understand what he said, but all I could hear was ‘Disneyland’ and ‘Paris.’ So probably he was asking them if they would like to go there or something, but I can’t really tell.”

According to reports, the UK delegation departed Ukraine on June 6 and the Dassault 900LX aircraft flew to Paris-Orly airport. Perhaps this explains what Obasa heard about “Disneyland” and “Paris.” Photo: Newsghana.com

As Obasa dressed the children, he says they continued to behave strangely, as though drugged. “I just told them that everything would be fine, and they should stop crying. But they still kept crying, you know? The boy stuck to me, he was just holding me tight, and I’m going, ‘Bro…’”

“I was so weak emotionally,” Obasa continues, “I nearly cried myself because of the way the kids were acting, but…” Here he sighs and shakes his head before continuing. “So the uniformed guy then told me to follow him with the kids and bring them up to where the helipad was.”

Helipad at the Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Center in Kyiv. Photo: Wikimapia.org

“I came closer, and the guy in camo took the children from me and brought them into the helicopter,” Obasa recalls. “At that time, I saw Andrew and two other passengers inside. The guards told me I was free to go, and on my way, I heard the helicopter took off.”

“Bro, but…” his voice becomes a little emotional, “if you were there to witness the fear in these children’s’ eyes, the way they were acting while I was handing them over, bro, it was….” another long pause, “it was heartbreaking. I’ve never seen anything like that. Never.”

Obasa sighs again, finding it difficult to keep talking. Over the next few days, he was distraught. What had happened to the children? What had he actually witnessed? And hardest of all, “What I could have done, bro! Because I was there. Oh, man.” Another long sigh. “This experience is something I don’t wish for anyone to witness because I still, I’m still traumatized by this. Any time I see kids with adults at the same moment crying, bro, it just brings back memories, you know?”

Feeling traumatized by what his eyes had seen, Obasa left Ukraine and returned to Nigeria. “Now I think it was even a bigger mistake. I shouldn’t have left. I should have told someone about it. I should have told the police, but, you know… Or even the press, but you know with these things because it’s someone of importance, usually it just gets… becomes a useless case, but that’s my experience, bro. I should have done something. I know deeply in my heart, I should have done something. Not even caring what the consequences might be, but that’s the story, man. I really feel terribly. It’s crazy.”

Virginia Giuffre [center] filed suit against Prince Andrew [left] for sexual assault, saying she was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with powerful people. The Prince has denied these allegations. However, this photo of them together with Ghislaine Maxwell (right) raises more questions. Photograph: US District Court via The Guardian

News reports from Ghana indicate that the British delegation departed Ukraine on June 6th, bound for the Paris-Orly airport, which lines up with the conversation Obasa claims to have overheard, in which “Disneyland” and “Paris” were mentioned.

Previously, British media reported about Prince Andrew’s alleged connection to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, including visits to the sex trafficker’s residence in Paris. Now, there is speculation that the Ukrainian children were kidnapped and taken to the French capital.

The royal family’s reputation is still reeling from Andrew’s alleged dealings with Epstein. British media established him as a central figure in the Epstein/Maxwell prostitution ring case. In 2021, Virginia Giuffre filed a civil suit against the Prince, claiming that she was trafficked around the world and forced into sexual acts with Epstein’s clients — including Prince Andrew — while she was still underage.

In 2022, a settlement was reached out of court for an undisclosed amount of money, estimated to be as much as £12 million, more than $16 million.

King Charles is currently attempting to evict Prince Andrew from his estate, though the Prince has refused to leave.

About the author:
Deborah Armstrong currently writes about geopolitics with an emphasis on Russia. She previously worked in local TV news in the United States where she won two regional Emmy Awards. In the early 1990’s, Deborah lived in the Soviet Union during its final days and worked as a television consultant at Leningrad Television. You can support Deborah’s writing at Paypal or Patreon, or donate via Substack.

