Quantum Jumping


Hello beautiful people


My favourite card in the Tarot – The Star. For me it represents that belief we had as very small children that when we wished on a star – or to Santa – we absolutely knew we would be granted our wish – because we believed – totally – in magic.

We still have the potentially magical Uranus Jupiter in Taurus unaspected. When planets are unaspected – ie not connected to the rest of the chart – they can work independently. We can drop into their energy – then go back to the remainder of the chart.

For me, the journey of Jupiter approaching, conjuncting and now passing by Uranus has been an exploration of Light. Generating light in my Pineal Gland – possibly equating to the release of DMT.

I’ve discovered that it is possible to consciously generate this light, and my belief is that in doing so, not only am I infusing every cell in my body with light, but as we are all one energy, I am also infusing everything with a dose of light.

Generating it is – in theory – very easy – ‘quantum jumping’ on the emotional frequency spectrum. I did several videos last year on emotional frequency and how it relates to the hormones that we are producing, which in turn affect our electromagnetic field.

Low emotional states such as guilt and shame flood our bodies with the stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline. High emotional states such as joy and peace flood our bodies with what I call happy hormones such as dopamine and seratonin. Our electromagnetic field becomes brighter and magnetises equally high vibrational states.

However, there is a state beyond even peace – bliss. And I believe – purely my belief – that this state corresponds to the release of DMT from the pineal gland. Try it. It’s magical.

Quantum jump your emotional frequency to a state of bliss – the beauty of nature (very Taurean) is a good trigger – the spring green, coloured blossoms, sparkling water. Now focus on the central spot in your brain where the pineal gland is located, and imagine a point of light. It’s a journey of exploration – Uranus Jupiter.

Love you all




Dr Deborah Maw, the Faerie Godmother

Wild, Wyrd and Wise, creative, elemental and intuitive. A biophysicist in a previous life, turned astrologer and digital nomad. Writer, speaker and coach. Magic