PW. Akashic Records & Books of Life?

Debra McDermitt
5 min readMar 18, 2022


This PW comes from 3/5 on FB and looks at “books” that I have seen or envisioned from childhood. I do not necessarily consider them Akashic Records or Books of Life yet those titles resonate some.

Lines, Books, & Vibrations

I mention in posts about lines. These lines are what I have seen in books since I was quite young. The books are not physical but rather you might say in an astral ream, heavenly plane, or just somewhere in the depths of my consciousness (well, a universal consciousness).

Others that I have met have likened them to the Books of Life or the Akashic Records. On one hand I think these friends, or strangers, are accurate. On another hand such statements feel grandiose and I rather just like to say People’s Books or Group/Place books.

You see, when I get to walk down the long corridors of this grand library that expands in all directions I have found direction posts with any number of known and foreign to me words and symbols that point to various books. There are books for individuals, for groups of any and all sizes, for places, sometimes specific events, for animals — yes even that crazy squirrel has a book, for any and all levels of things you can imagine.

There are always people, and beings, in the library looking through books, pulling various books together and creating new books, and much more. There aren’t necessarily librarians though there are, I guess angels would be the best word plus a few others that seem to help beyond the guide posts. There are places where books just show up that are needed for one to study or view. Thus, the books will sometimes appear to be flying downward, upward, or even popping in/out of existence.

Enough about this fanciful seeming world though lets get to the books and thus to the lines.

Let’s say whether up in that realm or just in meditation/trance here your book appears in some sense in front of me.

From your birth to this point the book is often written in pen. Pen implies that it has happened, it has been written, and while yes pen can change, from what I have noticed it very rarely does. Other times there will be a page or even multiple in the time prior to now where there may be say 3–5 lines of pencil. This means something hasn’t been decided from this event yet. It can mean the karmic implications are still strongly flowing (thus it is unsettled), it can mean that you have the ability to change the impact of that event, it can even mean that how that event is going to be remembered by those involved is abele to be altered still.

Then there is from this point forward in your book. It is lines and lines and lines of pencil on top of one another — with various symbols, words, languages, etc .

Now with all of this, even the past, when I see lines I know there are words, symbols, shapes, and so forth but I mostly have ever seen them as lines. Sorta like strings of data, which in my current life (the life within the life idea) I sense more as numbers and vibrations.

Some lines are thicker or darker (closer to pen) and others are very fine lines that may get thicker or seem to drift into obscurity. There are lines that get darker, lighter, and darker again. There seem to be endless possibilities.

As I might look at this point going into the future there may be a few bits of pen here and there — things that absolutely will happen. It doesn’t remove free will but the situation or event is just something that will happen. But most is likes of pencil.

When doing any time of divination or working with numerology, moving forward in a book especially, I see those lines as numbers and the meanings of those numbers. The more numbers that are similar, the darker the lines, the more repetition in the meanings or seeing how the meanings fit together, the more likely what is seen may happen. To then take that event, the standard meaning of say 8, and add commentary is like scrying for the line/number/meaning deeper through the lines which is going to be woven into the final thicker line of pen. That added commentary being if it is more positive/negative, more vice/virtue, more one way or another way for the extended meanings.

This brings me briefly back to that pen of the past. It isn’t just that one line becomes the whole story (the pen). Rather, it is a sense of weaving the pencil lines together (to get thicker, darker). This means even when doing past readings it is picking into those woven lines. It is still as a diviner seeing how the lines weave together to discern which meanings of the numbers are vibrating more/less and in what way and in what relation to the other numbers.

This is the best way I can describe the lines I use, the books, and the interactions between the lines.

Vibrations are the meanings and the lines themselves. It is the voice given to existence that leads all to vibrate. There are those who, without the cards, stars, gems, numbers, or such, tap into those base vibrations to start the divination. There are times in my life it has been so seemingly simple yet numbers for me seem, beyond Forest/Sacred Realms, Gardens, and monopteros/rotunda/round rooms, are what helps me better “dance” through the vibrations to lead me to find the thicker, the woven, and similar lines.

Vibrations, even beyond various unique meanings, has its lighter/darker, vice/virtue, its Horse Story of no good/bad, the positive/negative, and that other dimension of discernment is what helps to realize the vastness of what is existence.

Free will is a line that vibrates through everything. That free will that can bring in new lines and shift existing ones is something that I have found is key to those lines of pencil in the past and to just how challenging at times it can be to get a feel, to discern, messages that are giving bigger vibrations for that free will lets it be something different.

There are other components of the books I experience, such as glued pages. However that is for another day.

For now, thank you for reading through this and learning a bit more about the way I experience this amazing existence that we are part of.



Debra McDermitt — Linktree to all sites. I am a professor of world religions, numerologist, wife, owner of #JuliusMeowser, ❤ mtns, #camperlife