3 Quotes to Beat Writer’s Block and Start Blogging

Debra M. Singleton
2 min readAug 21, 2024


When writer’s block strikes, remember that you’re just one spark away from igniting your creativity. As Maya Angelou says, “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” Reflect on what inspires you, and let your emotions guide your writing. As Barbara DeAngelis notes, “The most important thing in relationships is to believe you’re worthy of them.” Believe in your writing abilities, and silence that inner critic. Finally, remember that “you don’t write about the horrors of war, no, you write about a kid’s burnt socks” (Richard Price). With these quotes, you’ll be well on your way to beating writer’s block and tapping your writing potential — and there’s even more inspiration waiting just around the corner.

Finding Your Creative Spark

As you sit staring at a blank page, the cursor taunting you with its steady blink, you’re not alone in wondering where your creative spark has gone.

Take a deep breath and give yourself permission to explore with Creative Freedom.

Engage in Mindful Reflection, asking what truly inspires you.

What topics make your heart race?

Let your answers guide you, and your spark will begin to flicker back to life.

Breaking Through Mental Barriers

Now that you’ve reignited your creative spark, it’s time to tackle the mental hurdles that stand between you and your writing goals.

Creative doubts can creep in, making you question your abilities and second-guess your ideas.

To break through these mental barriers, try:

  • Reframing negative self-talk into positive affirmations
  • Setting realistic goals and deadlines to boost confidence
  • Creating a conducive writing environment that sparks inspiration
  • Practicing self-compassion when faced with setbacks and failures

Unleashing Your Writing Potential

Several inspiring voices have echoed the same sentiment: your writing potential is limitless, waiting to be tapped.

You can unleash it by adopting consistent writing habits, like setting aside a daily writing time and sticking to it.

Make mindset shifts, too, by believing in your abilities and silencing that inner critic.


You’ve got this! With these three quotes, you’ve broken through the mental barriers and released your writing potential. Now, it’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and start blogging. Remember, every great piece of writing starts with a single sentence. So, take a deep breath, silence your inner critic, and let your creative spark shine. Before you know it, you’ll be cranking out blog posts like a pro, and writer’s block will be a distant memory.



Debra M. Singleton
Debra M. Singleton

Written by Debra M. Singleton


Word artist, language lover, and emotional excavator. Capturing life's essence in verse.