Great Things Are Done by a Series of Small Things

Deb Sofield ~ Public Speaker
3 min readJul 8, 2018


Today, I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on, and my theme is a quote that is new to me; it’s by the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.

He says that “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” I love that line because it is so true.

I know that sometimes it feels like you are spinning your wheels when you are trying to create an opportunity for yourself or others, or you sometimes feel alone as you’re building a business or as you do the daily work of the job and responsibilities that you have, but, friend, don’t get discouraged, because great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

If you keep doing your small part, I know that, in time, you will be able to see how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole of the beautiful picture that you’ve been admiring for years. The key to success is being able to hold on through the good times and the not-so-good times.

I am sure that if you looked back over your life, some of the things you did on a whim with friends or by yourself (such as that odd job or the not-so-important-at-the-time-project that caught your interest) gave you a little bit of experience now you can see where that bit of knowledge you gained has played a role in your life, sometimes big and sometimes small. Just the fact that you were able to put into action a skill learned long ago is a testament to the depth of today’s quote that rings true on so many levels.

I can look back in my own life to some of the crazy ideas I had (and still have) that have brought me joy and surprise… simply because I took a chance and made a way when no one else cared or could even see the path.

A while back, I was asked to submit a resume for an opportunity I was applying for. I’ve got to say that I had not looked at my resume in years and was taken aback at seeing that I had done so many different things, from when I first wrote on that old fancy stationary to now with my online vita. In the lifetime journey of many miles, I could see where my edges have been sharpened, or in some cases softened, by the jobs I had in my service to others.

I want to encourage you to continue to grow in your life, so allow me to suggest a few ideas that I believe will help you on your path to doing great things.

One of the most important things that you can do on the path to great success is …

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Deb Sofield — Speaker ~ Author ~ Coach

Deb Sofield — Speaker ~ Author ~ Coach ~



Deb Sofield ~ Public Speaker
Deb Sofield ~ Public Speaker

Written by Deb Sofield ~ Public Speaker

Speech Coach for Those Afraid to Speak • Conference Speaker • Author of “Speak without Fear” & “Perfecting Your Platform" (available on Amazon & Audible)

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