Debz Cooper
8 min readApr 20, 2020


How has life changed during the pandemic?

Man cave. It’s a shed!

The strange thing about this pandemic is for some of us, our lives haven’t changed that much. Bear with me. We may be the fortunate few. Those who work in health and social care will have seen huge changes. Those who work in retail and other sectors of the community like travel and many other industries will also have seen massive changes. Those who have either had this disease or lost friends and family to it will never be the same again. And I suspect that’s the same for those who cared for them.

Having discussed this with my husband, our lives haven’t changed anywhere near as much as the lives of others.


My husband now works from home five days a week rather than two. His job is one that can be performed from the “man cave” in the garden. It’s a shed. It just has double doors on one of the longer sides and small windows on each of the short sides. Technically it’s called a summerhouse. It’s. A. SHED!

I have worked from home for over 19 years. I run a weight-loss business. Typically, people come into my office at home where I weigh them and talk them through how to use the meal replacement products I sell. As I sell food, I am classed as a key worker. Although I am playing a tiny part, I am supplying several people with nutritionally complete foods. This process does not involve them having to queue to go into a…



Debz Cooper

Wife, mother, award winning author of fiction. Vaguely amusing. Owns a tortoise, two bunnies & a flying, fire breathing bearded dragon. Quite mad.