iPhone versus a real camera. (Woman of a certain age versus technology.)

Debz Cooper
5 min readSep 10, 2018
Photo by slon_dot_pics from Pexels

I’m not a photographer, I take snaps. A mega expensive camera with all the lenses and whatever else would be a complete waste on me. Like a percentage of the population, I have been using an iPhone camera for years. It’s been fine for most things. Birthday parties, Christmas, work conventions, holidays, you name it, the iPhone takes acceptable photos of most things for people like me who can just about point and shoot. Like everything, the iPhone has its limitations.

There was one instance where I just couldn’t get the phone to focus properly. I googled the problem and didn’t find the solution. I even looked at one or two free video tutorials and discovered a couple of features that although useful, didn’t solve my particular problem. I wanted to photograph animals. Not pets, you can do that with a phone. These animals are in enclosures behind metal fences in wildlife parks. I spent many years amazed that people still walked around with their huge tripods and cameras with lenses so long you could probably put it on its end and use it as a bar stool. (Don’t do this at home.) And there we were as a modern collective of picture snappers with our little rectangular phones walking around tapping screens at regular intervals. If you happened across a glass viewing window, you were in business. But if one didn’t exist, your…



Debz Cooper

Wife, mother, award winning author of fiction. Vaguely amusing. Owns a tortoise, two bunnies & a flying, fire breathing bearded dragon. Quite mad.