Utilizing Automated Run Card Building for Special Events and Road Closures

Deccan Intl
2 min readMay 8, 2023


Image of BARB (Box-area Automated Run Card Building) by Deccan International

Automating the run card building process can provide flexibility for preparing for planned and unplanned events, such as road closures for parades, marathons, festivals, and construction. The simplified process can create multiple run cards in minutes and adapt to street closures for emergency situations like flooded streets.

Automating your run cards offers several benefits, including assistance with mutual aid, facilitating deployment plan changes, identification and utilization of alternate resource types, adjustment of run card orders to street networks and traffic levels, and the ability to edit street networks.

Automating the Run Card Building Process Can Assist with:

Mutual Aid

Include mutual aid agreements at both the regional and statewide level and logically select units for the scene with the shortest response time when local resources become depleted.

Deployment Plan Changes

Create new deployment plans using “scenarios” to create pre-defined modifications to your Run Cards input automatically into your CAD system.

Utilizing Alternate Resource Types

Automatically incorporate alternate resource types, like Medic Carts, into your Run Cards when normal vehicle traffic isn’t available and food traffic has increased.

Impedance Data

If your department provides an alternate street network with speed levels adjusted to reflect new traffic levels, for example more congested traffic due to a nearby parade, BARB can easily add that street network and regenerate run orders.

Street Network Editing

Temporarily edit your street network to ensure routing accuracy during a special event that has now created road closures in your city.

Deccan Solutions

BARB (Box-area Automated Run card Builder)

BARB streamlines the creation of static run cards for CAD systems. It expertly handles station and unit orders based on dispatch systems, saving hours and weeks of labor and produces error-free run cards in minutes. Additionally, BARB can serve as a vital planning tool during emergencies, with the capability to include unlimited mutual aid, region-wide stations, and specialized vehicles.

For more information on how BARB can be customized to meet your department’s specific business rules and dispatch policies, contact sales@deccanintl.com or visit our website.

