How big would you dream if you knew you couldn’t fail?

4 min readOct 21, 2022

Basophobia and phonophobia. The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. The only two fears humans are born with. So how is the fear of failure acquired? There are many root causes of Atychiphobia, including traumatic childhood events, the fear of embarrassment and being ridiculed, and feeling that you have let yourself and those around you down. In the same way that these behaviours are learnt, they can be unlearnt, and new associations can be formed to view failure as a necessary component of success rather than the result of being unsuccessful.

Failure is inevitable, and there are some simple ways to change your perception of it to eliminate the feeling of discouragement when faced with trials and tribulations on the way to an end goal. Here’s a few:

1. Create your own ending

The fear of failure stems from the fear of the unknown. The brain is constantly trying to predict what happens next to prepare the body and mind to react accordingly. When this isn’t possible, a lack of control makes us experience a strong sense of threat, sending the body into a state of panic. Naturally, these fear responses program us to avoid anything which can trigger these feelings in the future. Unfortunately, avoidance will not stop you from being scared. Understanding the root cause and taking steps to think differently will. You are free to create your own ending and train your mind to accept your own version of events. This will be reflected in your outlook on life, and before you know it you’re attracting everything you want.

2. Stop telling everybody what you’re doing.

Time after time, research has shown that sharing plans too early has a high chance of lessening the liklihood that they will be carried out to fruition. Prematurely announcing plans creates a subconscious sense of completeness and fulfilment, as praise from friends and family tricks the mind into thinking you have already accomplished your goals, decreasing feelings of motivation actually needed to see plans through. Even worse, comments by those around you can be discouraging, and influence decisions you make on working towards them moving forward. Sharing plans too early can leave you feeling demotivated when things get rocky, keep them to yourself and you will feel more inclined to try again and keep going as you only have yourself to impress. Keep your thoughts private, work on them alone, and surprise everyone with the finished product.

3. Understand that there’s no progress without failure.

Grit: courage and resolve; strength of character. It took the creator of Squid Games 10 years to be recognised as producers viewed the series to be ‘too unrealistic and grotesque’ before it was picked up by Netflix in 2019. In 2021 it became the most watched series in Netflix history. Harry Potter was initially rejected 12 times and J.K Rowling advised by multiple publications ‘not to quit her day job’. Today, more than 500million books have been sold, with Rowling’s net worth at an estimated £820million. Success is rarely defined by the smartest people, but rather those who persevere and never give up. Most winners are usually just the last ones standing. Failure is a part of the journey, build resilience and a fighting urge to keep going if you believe in something and you will surely reap the benefits in due time. Whatever you do, never lose sight of the end goal.

4. Celebrate the small wins

Victory is subjective, and what may be an achievement to you may not to the next person. Luckily, you aren’t doing it for the next person, so pat yourself on the back when you accomplish something that contributes to the final result, as this triggers feelings of happiness and pride, fuelling the hunger to reproduce the same effect. Celebrate every win, as they are indications that you are doing something right, helping you to work towards much larger goals with the mindset that they are achievable. Before you know it, you’ll be doing things you never thought were possible, and winning will come naturally.

Still Scared?

If you’ve considered all these points, put them into practice and realised you‘re still scared, there’s still a way. Just do it scared. Never let fear get the better of you, instead, use fear as a means to be courageous, fight against it and take control. Train your mind to be stronger than your emotions, face your fears and win.

