Introduction, features and Improvements

8 min readJun 17, 2024


This Medium is managed by Decenomy developers, and all the content is written by us.
Our aim with this series of articles is to explore our developments for the more tech-savvy users.
In this inaugural article, we revisit a major release from our past and its numerous improvements and new commands.

But first, let’s take a step back to explore the origins of the Decenomy blockchain code. The journey began with a fork from an existing open-source codebase, thereby inheriting a robust set of features developed by other blockchain developers.

Such moves in the open-source community typically occur when there is a need to expand functionalities or pursue a different direction in code development.

Considering the numerous blockchains within the Decenomy ecosystem, it was necessary to create a core codebase known as the Decenomy Standard Wallet (DSW). This setup facilitates the implementation of new features developed by our team in a more controlled and systematic manner.

Updates, including new features and enhancements, are periodically integrated into each DECENOMY blockchain’s repository through a process known as “rollouts” once a substantial volume of improvements has been accumulated. Additionally, when a bug is detected in any blockchain, the correction is first applied to the specific blockchain and subsequently integrated into the DSW framework.

The old release brought numerous improvements and introduced several new commands. Here are the key enhancements and new commands:

Last Paid V2 and Masternode Payment V2 Fixes

To address the issues with our old method for calculating a MN’s last paid value and selecting the reward recipient, we’ve introduced Last Paid V2 and Masternode Payment V2.

Last Paid V2 replaces the old voting mechanism by using the blockchain as the source of truth for determining when a MN was paid.
It tracks and records every payment made to a MN in a field called “payee”, then scans the blockchain for this field to identify when a MN was paid. It assigns a last-paid value based on the block height of its last payment, accurately determining which has been waiting the longest and selecting it as the next payment recipient.

Masternode Payment V2 also replaces the old voting mechanism. Instead of using votes to select the reward recipient, it pays the masternode that has been waiting the longest also using the blockchain data as the source of truth.
Also using the field “payee”, it scans the blockchain from the most recent block to the oldest, identifying when each MN was last paid. It then assigns a last-paid value based on the block height of the last payment, accurately and fairly determining what the next MN is to be paid.
Both features have significant advantages over the old voting mechanism. These features eliminate reliance on external factors such as network connectivity or voting behavior, using immutable and verifiable blockchain data instead. They also reflect the actual time a MN was paid, ensuring fair payments based on waiting time rather than popularity or luck.

Faster listmasternodes RPC Command

We’ve significantly reduced the execution time for the command listmasternodes, which is responsible for returning a list of all masternodes on the network along with their current status and information.
By optimizing this command, it makes it faster and easier to query the network state and monitor your masternodes.
This enhancement not only saves time but also improves the overall user experience, allowing for quicker and more attentive network management.

Listmasternodes RPC Command

Multinode Capability

This feature allows you to run multiple masternodes on a single server, significantly optimizing your resources.

By consolidating your masternodes into one server, you simplify masternode management, eliminate the need for multiple setups, and streamline maintenance processes. Additionally, this consolidation can lead to reduced operating costs and improved performance efficiency.

Furthermore, by running multiple masternodes in one environment, you can potentially increase your rewards and maximize your return on investment. This feature is designed to provide a more efficient, cost-effective, and rewarding masternode management experience.

Masternode Collateral Window

This feature allows you to adjust the collateral amount of your masternode before the deadline, making the collateral change phase more fair and flexible.

You can do this by sending a transaction with the updated collateral and restarting your masternode up to a week before the deadline.
This 7-day period provides users with the necessary time to prepare for the collateral change, ensuring that adjustments can be made without undue pressure.

The extended window promotes a more equitable system by accommodating different schedules and circumstances, reducing the risk of last-minute issues. Additionally, this feature enhances user control and planning capabilities, allowing for smoother transitions and more strategic management.

Seamless Masternode Protocol Upgrades

This feature allows you to upgrade your masternode protocol version without having the need to restart it on the hot wallet.

When you install the new wallet version, it will automatically switch protocols.

UI Privacy Mode

Enhanced user privacy by concealing information in the overview section of the GUI. When activated, details like your total balance and wallet hash rate are hidden.

This is especially useful if you are in a public place and want to prevent others from seeing sensitive information on your wallet.

UI Privacy Mode

Staking Improvements

Staking now requires activation to be utilized, ensuring that only active participants can benefit from the enhanced functionalities.

A hash rate report is readily available on the dashboard, providing users with real-time insights into their staking performance.
This transparency allows users to monitor and optimize their staking activities more effectively.

Additionally, the improvements aim to increase the reliability and efficiency of the staking process, offering a more user-friendly and rewarding experience.
The detailed hash rate reporting helps users make informed decisions and fine-tune their strategies to maximize returns.


This call allows you to test server connectivity with other network nodes. By using this command, you can ensure that your server is properly communicating with the rest of the network.

checkconnection RPC call


This call allows you to send a ping to your masternode to verify it is online and responsive. By using this command, you can quickly check the status of your masternode, ensuring it is properly connected and operational. This is particularly useful for routine maintenance and troubleshooting.

mnping RPC call


This feature allows you to reload the masternode configuration file from the command line or user interface. This functionality is extremely useful if you’re looking to make any changes to your masternode settings without stopping or restarting them.

By providing both an RPC call and a GUI element, users can choose the method that best fits their workflow, enhancing convenience and flexibility.

This feature streamlines the process of updating configurations, reducing downtime, and maintaining seamless operation of your masternodes.

reloadmasternodeconfig RPC call
reloadmasternodeconfig GUI element


This command replaces the deprecated autocombinerewards command, which automatically combined small inputs into larger ones to reduce transaction fees and improve privacy.

With the new setautocombinethreshold command, you can specify a threshold amount for auto-combining these inputs, tailoring the process to your needs. It can easily be enabled or disabled, either from the command line or through the user interface.

This enhancement provides greater control and flexibility, allowing users to manage their inputs more effectively and maintain optimal transaction efficiency and privacy.

setautocombinethreshold RPC call
setautocombinethreshold GUI element


This command allows you to rewind your block index. It deletes all blocks after a specific height and re-syncs with the network from that point on.

When using rewindblockindex from the commandline, you can either provide the hash of the block to rewind to or specify the number of blocks to rewind. If none is provided, it’ll just rewind to the last checkpoint.

If using rewindblockindex from the user interface, you can also either rewind the blockchain to the last checkpoint or to the last week.

It can help you recover from various issues that might affect your wallet’s functionality or integrity, such as a blockchain fork or a corrupted database.

rewindblockindex RPC call
rewindblockindex GUI element


This command allows you to check in real-time the number of active masternodes in the network.
This real-time monitoring tool is crucial for maintaining a robust and reliable network, allowing users to swiftly respond to changes and ensure optimal performance.

getactivemasternodecount RPC call

As we keep improving and fine-tuning our technologies, we’re focused on creating a solid, easy-to-use system that works for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro.

We encourage you to stay engaged with our upcoming articles, where we will explore our current and future developments. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we strive to build a more efficient and equitable decentralized ecosystem.

Thank you for being part of the Decenomy community. We can’t wait to share more exciting updates with you!

About DECENOMY TechTalk

DECENOMY TechTalk is an independent hub for developers, tech enthusiasts, and innovators passionate about decentralized technologies. Our focus is on the technical side of the decentralized ecosystem, offering in-depth articles, tutorials, and discussions on blockchain development, smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and more.

This platform is created by and for the tech community, committed to exploring the tools, frameworks, and innovations that drive decentralized systems. We believe in the power of open-source collaboration and strive to provide a space where technical knowledge is freely shared and where new ideas can take root.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, DECENOMY TechTalk is your resource for staying up-to-date with the latest developments in decentralized technology. Our mission is to empower developers to innovate, create, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the decentralized world.

Join us as we explore the future of tech — driven by curiosity, innovation, and a passion for decentralization.




Independent hub for developers in decentralized tech. Focused on open-source collaboration, offering in-depth articles, tutorials, and more to drive innovation.