Art Creation and NFT Sales

Decentral ART
6 min readSep 19, 2022


…and NFT Sales

The art world has always been a source of controversy, but in recent years there has been a growing interest in the creation of the NFT. Digital art is becoming more and more popular day by day and will only grow as technology improves.

Over the past few years, the art world has been humming about the rise of the NFT.

You’ve probably heard of NFT, or immutable tokens. They are digital assets that can be traded and exchanged like any other cryptocurrency, but they also have some unique features. For starters, each of them has a unique ID that prevents it from being copied. If you think this sounds like something out of science fiction, you’re right: blockchain technology helps us create new art forms for the 21st century! With NFT, owning an original work without paying millions for it is easier than ever — and if an artist has made 100 copies of his work on the blockchain, there’s no way anyone else can copy it without getting lost one way or another.

More control

NFTs also give artists more control over how their works are sold, as they can use smart contracts (which work like contracts between two parties) rather than relying on galleries or auction houses to sell their works for them and charge a wholesome commission of up to $ 60 %. Thanks to these advances in technology and the security measures put in place by the makers of the smack contracts themselves — not only using blockchain technology, but all kinds of creators in all media — we live in very exciting times!

It’s an amazing platform

Allowing artists to obtain remuneration by selling original paintings and providing collectors with proof of ownership.

The uni.decentral-Art platform is an amazing tool for artists and collectors. Artists can sell original paintings, get paid for selling them, and provide collectors with proof of ownership.

The platform allows you to buy a work of art that you would not be able to afford otherwise. In addition, it allows artists to be rewarded for expanding their collections through rewards for purchasing more for example 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 8% … and so on according to the sequence of fibonacci numbers.

For example

Earlier this year, a digital artist sold his artwork for $ 69 million.

For example, earlier this year, a digital artist sold his artwork for $ 69 million. The artwork was created by a digital artist and sold to a collector via the NFT platform. The sale occurred six minutes and 50 seconds after the bidding session began.

The collector has purchased 10 pieces of the work or already 1% of the collection of 10,000 pieces. received an award in the form of ART tokens. Another artist became the owner of one piece worth $ 100 million for $ 1,000! works of art of your favorite artist.

An artist can …

Create a picture or a sculpture and capture it on a camera. The digitized image is created by the NFT and sells to any collector in the world — after which an original artwork will be donated.

An artist can create a picture or a sculpture and capture them on a camera. He creates a digitized image for the NFT and sells it to every collector in the world — then arranges for the donation of the original artwork.

The digitized version of this work is not limited to a single buyer but may be sold sequentially by anyone who owns it.


While some people are skeptical about digitizing images, there are many benefits to doing so.

Ownership authentication. A digital copy of your artwork can be verified as authentic by anyone on the open blockchain register, without having to go through an artist or gallery. This is especially helpful when there is uncertainty about whether the work is genuine or if someone makes a fake by replicating it in a different form.

Easy to sell and buy online. If you don’t have an art dealer who can sell your work, selling on platforms like makes it easy to connect with buyers interested in paying with an ART token for original pieces. You can also list them on sites like Artnet and Artsy, which give artists direct access to buyers around the world, but trades there in a traditional way.

The greatest benefits

The biggest benefit is the ability to sell your artworks for much more than what you would get through the huge commissions charged by auction houses if you were limited to traditional art sales.

If you are an artist, selling the NFT can be a huge benefit for you as it allows you to sell your artwork for much more than what you would get from the huge commissions charged by auction houses if you were limited to traditional art sales. Auction houses take up to 60% of the selling price and then there are shipping and taxes etc. If you want to sell your work at an auction house like Sotheby’s or Christie’s, expect them to take 34% -50% of the final selling price.

If an artist sells his works through an online marketplace such as blockchain-based uni.decentral-art, then smarkcontract that charges 5% means there is room for some serious profit — especially considering how much more expensive people are. willing to pay when buying digital assets instead of physical ones!

Another avantage

Another advantage of digital art is that it allows artists and collectors to trade art on the uni.decnetala-art platform and authenticate transactions on the blockchain network, which ensures security and transparency through the use of smart contracts.

Another advantage of digital art is that it allows artists and collectors to trade art on the uni.decnetala-art platform and authenticate transactions on the blockchain network, which ensures security and transparency through the use of smart contracts. Artists can create a digitized image for the NFT and sell it to any collector in the world. If it is a digitized image, he will hand over the physical original to the buyer.

Careful beginnings

Some people are skeptical about digital art for now, but there are many benefits. This is the true direction of development for art.

Some people are skeptical about digital art yet, but the benefits are many. This is the true direction of development for art. I think that in the near future all museums in the world will be replaced by an online gallery, and galleries will become a kind of cultural center where you will be able to watch virtual exhibitions and purchase works of art that you like on your own.

  • Currently, we can only guess what NFT digital art will look like in 2025 or 2040, but we already know what this direction means for us:
  • New ways to sell your own paintings and sell them directly to collectors without intermediaries;
  • New ways to buy paintings from artists around the world;
  • New possibilities of collecting works of art;
  • Possibility of viewing works from different periods in one place from the best masters;
  • Lots of interesting opportunities to trade artworks on secondary markets


As you can see, there are many benefits to creating digital art. This is a new way for artists to get paid for their unique work and collectors to own original works of art.

We are going this way…



Decentral ART

Piece-by-piece art Pictures split into pieces. Real art and NFT blockchain. #decentralart #nft