Helen Disney, founder of the portal “Unblocked”, Advisory Board Member of the British Blockchain Association Decenturion and its residents-startups are a unique experiment in the history of civilization

4 min readOct 8, 2018


The blockchain guru, according to “Barclays”, Co-Chair of the British Blockchain Association Policy Committee, leading woman in fintech from the “Fintech Powerlist”, considers Decenturion to be a an interesting demonstration of how we might build a future society.

Helen Disney, CEO and founder of the information and education portal “Unblocked”, as well as one of the most authoritative European experts in the field of applied blockchain technology, urged citizens of Decenturion to become more actively involved in the dissemination of information on decentralized technologies. According to Helen, the more people learn about the possibilities and prospects of blockchain applications, the sooner society,which currently lacks confidence in government and other institutions, will change. At the same time, ordinary people, consumers of services and goods, as well as representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, who make decisions, need to develop greater awareness and understanding of what blockchain is and of its social implications.

As a member of British Blockchain Association, Helen herself is engaged in the preparation and promotion of academic articles aimed at the professional audience of parliamentarians and civil servants. Meanwhile, processes in parallel are taking place in the world, to increase the awareness of ordinary people about blockchain. And the creation of the Decenturion State is one of such process. “Decenturion is a real demonstration project — a kind of thought experiment in practice of how you could build a society on the blockchain, a society of the future with equal opportunities to access services that simplify life at every turn, including new ways of obtaining passports, voting, or even conducting lawmaking,” said Helen Disney.

The very “peer-to-peer” principle is another phenomenon of the “blockchain era”, which not only moved financial transactions beyond the traditional banking system but also allows for direct interaction between buyers and sellers, fortunate and disadvantaged, startups and investors.

Helen Disney:

“There are no intermediaries in the blockchain economy, everything happens very quickly. Now you can come up with a new effective idea, share it with the blockchain community and immediately receive a reward and funds for its implementation. In the history of civilization, until now, there have been no such opportunities to raise capital in this way, so the Decenturion State startups are a very illustrative and insightful example, that I follow with interest, and I wish them great success.”

Helen Disney was among the participants and honored guests of the Second Congress of Decenturion Citizens in Moscow. Her speech was devoted to the complexities that accompany the adoption of blockchain by governments and the public sector in different countries.

Information about Helen Disney

Helen Disney is a British public figure, journalist and evangelist of the blockchain. She is the founder and director of the educational portal “Unblocked”. She is included in the list of women-innovators in finance by “Fintech Powerlist”, mentioned by Barclays as a «blockchain guru», is Сo-Сhair of the Committee for Public Good, Policy & Governance of the British Blockchain Association, is a member of the TechUK DLT working group and included in the “BCB Engage List”. As an expert on the blockchain, Helen has previously given evidence to the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain.

Among Helen’s past projects are: the creation of “Blockchain Intelligence Global”, a global platform for news and conferences dedicated to blockchain; the development of a strategy for promoting the Bitcoin Foundation, aimed at entrepreneurs, politicians and opinion leaders; the first major forum “Bitcoin2014” in Amsterdam, where the concept of cryptocurrency was launched into the mainstream of European discussions.

Information about the Decenturion State

Decenturion is the world’s first state using decentralized technologies in the economy, lawmaking and social sphere, and helping to introduce them to other states.

The state was founded on June 4, 2018. The official date of foundation is timed to the first speech of Decenturion representatives at a special UN event in New York, USA.

The number of citizens for August 2018 amounted to 250,000 people. It is expected that their number will grow to 1,8 million by 2019. Decenturion takes the first place in the world for the density of dollar millionaires per capita, the level of education and the level of IT literacy.

At the moment, Decenturion is in the process of acquiring a territory that will allow it to obtain the status of an independent state and in accordance with the regulations, to join the UN.

Official channels of the Decenturion State

Website — https://decenturion.com/

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/decenturionapp/

Telegram — https://t.me/decenturion

Twitter — https://twitter.com/DECENTURIONOF

Medium — https://medium.com/@decenturion

YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/c/DecenturionState

Contact Information

For media requests — Ministry of Information moi@decenturion.com

For employment inquiries — Ministry of Labor labor@decenturion.com




Decenturion is a rapidly developing state that has leveraged the complex of cutting-edge technologies to build an effective economy and a progressive society.