The Guideline for startups to enter the internal Decenturion market has been updated

3 min readOct 4, 2018


The Ministry of Industry of Decenturion released a new version of the Guideline for Decenturion Token Launch for companies who are interested in the entry into the internal market of the State. The document is published on the Decenturion Accelerator site.

October 3rd, 2018 — The Guideline 2.0 on the Decenturion Token Launch (DTL) is an extended and supplemented list of rules and requirements for startups applying for the Decenturion State support.

In particular, in the Guideline 2.0 a new scoring model is published, which will be applied to the future residents of the State’s economy. Now, the calculation of the scoring point can be performed independently and beforehand in order to make adjustments to the project as appropriate.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry issued not only the list of documents that the company must prepare, but also the details to the content of the documents: White paper, project summary, landing page, presentation.

The DTL procedure, unlike the usual ICO, allows legal residents/startups to immediately gain access to the population of the Decenturion State — accessible token-holders audience and consumers of goods and services. Cost minimization on the preparation procedure and marketing activity allows the company to go directly to the business development efforts and attraction of investments for its scale-up.

The prerequisite for admission to the Decenturion Token Launch is a successful passing of the Decenturion Accelerator. The Accelerator prefers segment B2C startups in high state of readiness, offering products and services demanded by citizens of Decenturion. Half of the emission, which under the terms of the DTL in autumn 2018 equals to 100 million tokens was distributed among the citizens of the State.

During the first Accelerator admission more than 320 applications from around the world were filed, for the Decenturion Token Launch 40 companies were selected, and 12 startups will participate in the investment tour to Asia, organized by Decenturion.

Click here to watch the Board select 12 finalists of the Accelerator

Information about Decenturion Accelerator

The Decenturion Accelerator is the structural unit of the Ministry of Industry. The Accelerator management is the responsibility of the Minister of Industry of Decenturion Igor Shoifot, for management and scoring — of the Minister of Industry in Russia Sergey Sichkar. The Minister of Administrative Affairs of Decenturion, Anna Degtereva and a general director of the financial company Unikom24 Yuriy Kudryakov are involved in the development of the Accelerator. The Minister of Information of Decenturion, Nikolay Evdokimov, who is an expert in the field of ICO, devoted himself to a token-engineering for the residents of the Accelerator.

The Accelerator program involves participation of international advisers and support of leading blockchain-experts for an amount equivalent to $100 000. The best startups of the graduation receive a certificate for investment tour in Asia

Apply to Decenturion Accelerator

Information about Decenturion State

Decenturion is the world’s first state that uses decentralized technologies in the economy, lawmaking and social sphere, and helping to introduce them to other states.

The state was founded on June 4, 2018. The official date of foundation is timed to the first speech of Decenturion representatives at a special UN event in New York, USA.

The number of citizens in October 2018 year exceeds 280 thousand. It is expected that their number will grow to 1.8 million by the end of the year 2019. Decenturion takes the first place in the world for the density of dollar millionaires per capita, the level of education and the level of IT literacy.

At the moment, Decenturion is in the process of acquiring a territory that will allow it to obtain the status of an independent state and in accordance with the regulations, to join the UN.

Official channels of Decenturion State

Website —

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Medium —

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Contact Information

For media requests — Ministry of Information

On employment issues — Ministry of Labor




Decenturion is a rapidly developing state that has leveraged the complex of cutting-edge technologies to build an effective economy and a progressive society.